Thursday, January 05, 2012

And I set down with the Psychiatrist

By: Maged Taman

A relative of mine wanted me to see a psychiatrist about my delusion of being Al Mahdi Al Muntazer. In my imagination these would be the dialogue between him and me.

Him: Hi doctor Taman, pleasure to have you as a new patient.
Me: Thank you, but I do not think I am a patient.

Him: Well, sit down and we will figure it out.
Me: No problem that is what we do for living.

Him: I talked to some of your family overseas and friends and there is no psychiatrist history in the family or personal history that they know of.
Me: Thanks for checking.

Him: To say that you are someone like being a prophet or Al Mahdi mean either you are truly speaking, you are faking it for some benefits or you are suffering from a psychiatric disease.
Me: no benefits here I actually sacrificed a lot for declaring myself Al Mahdi Al Muntazer. Among them seeing you today.

Him: this one is out, no benefits, though you had successful life beforehand, how about a mental illness.
Me: schizophrenia I would have other paranoid thoughts and I will likely act like it.

Him: I looked in that you do not match the diagnosis. How about if you are suffering from mythomania. This is a psychological disorder in which a person tells lies and then believes in them.
Me: Prophets were accused of that over the history. I could have lied in a lot of things, all I say what is right to all of us. I can understand what you are saying: I repeat it in my mind that I am Al Mahdi Al Muntazer and I continue to do that until I believe it. The thing is the media did not allow me to speak publicly so people can refute me and then I can convince myself that I am not him. Besides I have his physical features and his plans to the world.

Him: But what is your proof that your opinions are right.
Me: Read it in my blog and decide yourself.

Him: However it took you too long of time for the public to see you and you did not show up.
Me: It is in God's hands I tried for years to get out to have people know me and see if they can benefit from my opinions and I was blocked by Satan's agents in earth.

Him: There were hundreds of people over the years that told us they are Al Mahdi and they were liars.
Me: I am different I look like him, I talk like him, I have plans like him and the world around us look like it is in his time that described to us by the prophet. If I was a liar I would change my name to be Muhammad Ben Abed Allah. This is name people will give me not me given to myself.

Him: But you have no prophecies.
Me: In large pat I have a great one which is Taman Health Plan I sent it to the congress, the American President and Media as some disorganized thoughts years ago. At that time I offered myself as an alternative to the tyrants and Jihadists but they did not like my political views. Of course they will not tell you that in few months that these thoughts became the wonderful Taman Health Plan since that I sent them, they do not want you to know that I am Al Mahdi Al Muntazer and this was a prophecy. I am very sure that God inspired me with the plan and I did not sit down and sayto mysefl let me solve to the Americans most of their problems. This plan no one was able to produce it in 90 years.

Him: Would not you like the prophets tell us you have visions from God or Angels talk to you.
Me: If I am a liar I could have said that. No doubt I have visions that come true but I consider my self Al Mahdi because: 1- I look like him. 2- I have the thoughts like him. 3- I know that a lot of people see visions about me. 4- The biggest proof tell the American government to let me talk in Al Jazzera TV a thing that they blocked it for years. 5- I fulfil one of the prophecies of the old testament. 6- If America and the west preferred our tyrants over someone like me it tell you that I am Al Mahdi.

Him: Would not you have more appearance and proofs early on. God is not the author of confusion.
Me: When God would send a prophet like Jesus (PBUH) people would chase him to kill him despite the miracles he showed them. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had 12 years in Mecca with people belying him and torturing his followers despite the miraculous Quran that I have put up in my website for years for people to read it and examine it. May be God do not want people to be very sure that I am him.

Him: From the wikipedia: In summary, the biblical standards for a false prophet, it is forbidden to speak in the name of a god other than YHWH.[citation needed] Likewise, if a prophet makes a prophecy in the name of YHWH that does not come to pass, that is another sign that he is not commissioned of YHWH and that the people need not fear the false prophet.(Deuteronomy 18:22)
Me: I never said that God talked to me and told me you are Al Mahdi Al Muntazer, though I had visions that I am him. But I depend more of the people over the world to read what I write in my website and decide tothemselves. All I am saying even if you do not think I am Al Mahdi why you do no just let me talk publicly to the people and exmine my plans.

Him: very interesting you are Al Mahdi Al Muntazer depends on your faith or our faith.
Me: It is not a blind faith it comes with evidences. It is like electricity we can not see it but we believe it.

Him: What if you do not turn to be Al Mahdi Al Muntazer.
Me: It is not my mistake it is yours, I told you that like the time of the tribulation described by Jesus (PBUH) there will be earthquakes and a lot of chaos. Al Mahdi is not the creator of chaos but people actions. The Mahdi role is to correct the chaos. If you want to know exactly how God guide me read my Taman Health Plan and see how chaos can be corrected and the world can be organized.

Him: Is that like the Anti-Christ some of the Christians are expecting.
Me: Yes with one correction he is Pro-Christ.

Him: I do not have much to add, see you in your twilight zone for now.
Me: See you in my twilight zone as well.

Him: This is my card if you need help.
Me: This is my card also if you need the same kind of help.

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