Saturday, January 28, 2012

I work Everyday in America so Obama can kill more Muslims

By: Maged Taman

I have to work every day in America to pay my dues for many years now, including high malpractice insurance money since I got law suits and similar expenses that brought against me by the wicked George Bush and after him Obama the fox of the white house through their FBI. In order to intimidate me since I am going after them and all other tyrants they went after me with lawsuits. I can not even sue them since Muslims in America will be fearful to stand with me against the American government and an American lawyer will likely stand with them. Thus most my money go for taxes to pay for the American empire wars against Muslims and to pay insurance companies to have me pay for lawsuits I have nothing to do with. Besides they want me to live in fear so I mind own business. Sound to me very typical of the evil Jews plans. Talking about freedom my dear Arab and Muslims do not believe them in America.

So you will ask me why do not you leave? I tried and the American government stood against me the criminal Obama who is the soft beast compared by George Bush who was the ugly beast blocked me from going. Of course this under the blessing of the evil nation of Israel and their friends the Arab hypocrites. The thing that make me not to fear is I have a good cause and I am standing with the side of God while they are standing with the side of America the Mystery Babylon.

They oppressed me all these years thinking that I will fear them or they will get me go away. For their crimes and the fact that they are wicked and are fighting Islam I am standing strong against them. If I am Al Mahdi Al Muntazer no doubt I will win, it just takes a lot of sacrifice and patience.

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer


Anonymous said...

"Wa latahino wa la tahzano wa antom al a'lawn ine kontom mominin"
"Wala tahzan Alayhim wala takun fee dayqin mimma yamkuroon"

Maged Taman said...

Thank you
I needed to hear that since I did not hear it in America.