Thursday, January 26, 2012

Was Ben Ladin really Terrorist

By: Mage Taman

The war on terror was invented in Israel to have its hegemony over the Muslim world. 9/11 was inside job to get Ben ladin and Saddam as well oil in Iraq and Afghanistan. A lot of good young marines died or wounded for Israel and the elites of America particularly big oil companies. We do not have proofs that Ben Ladin did 9/11 and Obama dumped his body in the sea without interrogating him. Typical of the criminality of some of the American presidents before him. It is very clear that America and Israel are the most terrorist countries in the world. Go to the prisons in Israel and see how they do to the Palestinians. The war between Iran and Iraq was made and supported by America and Israel to have Muslims kill one another. The Syrian impasse is made by America and Israel if there were not Tantweey in Egypt and I was there very likely I would have gathered troops to fight Bashar and liberate Syria. A lot of chirstians now believe I am right and the anti-Christ is the current systems that control the world and not Islam.

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