Friday, January 06, 2012

The Muslims Hypocrites and their stand against Al Mahdi

By: Maged Taman

The prophet peace upon him and he was never been a liar. He told us about a prophecy of Al Mahdi Al Muntazer and no doubt Al mahdi will win and liberate the Muslim world from tyranny.

It will not be an easy walk since the people who control the world have every thing in their hands. Among them are the Muslims hypocrites who will be led by the Muslim tyrants and their scholars. Even ordinary Muslims will say Al Mahdi is Fitna so they do not respond to him, walk away from him and even stand against him.

I remember when I was even in Egypt in 2009 for short vacation some of my friends and even some of my relatives were not enthusiastic about Al A Mahdi. It is a huge task to stand against the tyrants, their Muslims hypocrites particularly the Scholars of Saudi and gulf tyrants. Even people who know the Quran very well and even recite it every day will deny him since they will stand with the strong.

The prophet told us it will be fitn like the dark nights, when one goes and another comes.But as you will see the world in front of you in time you will find tyranny after tyranny fall and earthquake after earthquake happen.

The time is extending and we have to be patients since the tyrants would not give it easy and depends on time to have him fade away. As you are seeing every tyrant is standing strong with his family and the corrupt people around him. That is why the prophet said to us even if there is a day left God will extend it to have Al mahdi govern.

What is more proof to you that I am Al Mahdi Al Muntazer than the American media did not allow me to go public despite contacting a lot of media avenue and having very good ideas and plans to the world. Same with the Arab media ask Al Jazzera how many times I asked them to have me in their TV shows and I was blocked by the Arab tyrants in corporation with the American government.

If I am a crazy guy they would have blocked my website or brought it down. All they are doing now is giving you an idea that I have only few hits to my website.

Many Christians beleive by now I am Al mahdi Al muntazer or the Anti-Christ.

Again I was never crazy and I have MD., Master degree, Ph.D and three American Boards in internal medicine, Endocrinology and Nephrology.

In America they say If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Same here if he looks like Al Mahdi even in his body features, talk like Al Mahdi and the tyrants are hiding him from you, he is probably Al Mahdi. I say here he is highly likely Al Mahdi unless the tyrants, America and me all are crazy.

If I am a liar I would have changed my name to Muhammad Ben Abed Allah to deceive you, likely people will give me the name of the prophet since we will live again these wonderful years of the prophet, when honesty was the best currency and the best thing that people can exchange to have a good and peaceful life.

Of course if the Jewish Messiah comes and prove to us he is a great guy we will welcome him to our utopia or he will welcome us into his.

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer

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