Sunday, January 08, 2012

How The American Aid came around to Egypt

By: Maged Taman

The Americans aid to Egypt did not come because America is a great charity and love to help the poor Egyptian people. It was like a bribe to the Egyptian people to have their rotten leaders control us in Egypt and other countries. Most of the money is shuffled from the Gulf tyrants who are the slaves of their masters in America and are paying America huge money to stay in power. Most of these money you do not know about it since these tyrant countries are not democracies. Meanwhile most of the money went to the corrupt tyrant, his family and his friends. If America is a democracy why Hilliary Clinton stood against the WikiLeak.

Walk up Arab and Muslims, walk up Christians all over the world. Stand up to Babylon the whore who corrupted the world. Obama and Hilliary are like Farkok and Farkoka will wait to see how we are making out with a revolution and then jump in the right time to steal it from us. Let us be clear they are against Islam and will not tell you. The trick is to tell you they are standing against extreme Islam so how they stood against me when in fact I was against Islamists and talked them many times to leave Ben Ladin and join me.

Now they are infiltrating Muslims brothers other Islamists, even Amer Khalid they gave him a great award in America to bribe him. To tell you the truth if I am trusting America they will be good to us I would let you trust them. At personal level in America to tell you the truth there are good people but the evil there is much bigger, stronger and controlling.

You will ask me why you do not you leave America, I tried and they stole my passport from my apartment. You will ask me why they did not kill you, because it will have repercussions all over the world, a nice good guy who is standing against the tyrants everywhere and be killed will have big rises all over the world. America just can not afford it they have embassies everywhere. You will tell me but they can bother you in America without killing you they are already doing that. I am not telling since a lot of Muslims will be angry everywhere and America has embassies all over the world as I told you.

So why you do not shut up and let them control the world, because whenever they go anywhere they destroy it. Besides I believe strongly in my heart that they hate Islam and hate us, to large degree the people who control America.

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