Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to React To Islamophobia (Qur'anic Guidance)

From: www.islamicity.com

By: Dr. Ali Sulaiman Ali m Program* -

"Indeed, this Qur'an guides to that which is most upright way" Qur'an 17, 9
"You shall certainly be tried in your possessions and your lives, and you shall certainly hear many hurtful things from some of those who were given the Book before you and from some of polytheist. But if you persevere patiently and guard yourselves against evil, that is a matter of strong determination" . Qur'an 3, 186

The philosophy behind Islamophobia is to plant seed of fear of Muslims and Islam in the hearts of non-Muslims by depicting Muslims and Islam as an immanent danger to Americans, America and the Western world that Islam is not a religion and Muslims are strangers who do not belong to America.

Is there any hospital in USA without Muslim physicians? Is there any educational institution in USA without Muslim professors teaching? Is there any auto industry without Muslim engineers? The list goes. American non-Muslim fellows entrust their fellow Muslims with their lives in hospitals, the minds of the children in colleges and university and their machines and properties in auto industries. Did Muslims kill any body or sabotage the industries or pollute the mind of their students?

This accusation is not a new. It's an old game. Since the time of Prophet Nuh (pbuh) to time of the Prophet Muhammad, their contemporaries accused them of spreading dangerous idea in the society. They lunched uncompromising attacks and conspiracy on them. Some of them were torched, persecuted and even killed

Having said this, let us proceed by asking: how should we be behave toward those who are planting the seed of hatred or Islamophobia in the hearts of fellow Americans? was there any instructions or examples in the Seera of the Prophet (pbuh) to emulate? Before answering the question, I ought to say:

There is no question that the guidance of the Allah and His Messenger is the perfect and best. This guidance is so comprehensive that it covers all aspects of human life.

The Qur'anic verse 186 of Chapter three represents of one the guidance of the Qur'an in terms of how to deal with Islamphobia. The Ayah simply states in the explicit term manner that Muslims will certainly be tested in their possessions and them selves and that some of non-Muslims will definitely hurt Muslim ears with very painful words then the Ayah directs Muslims how to handle the situation.

Elaboration on the guidance
According to Ayah, without any doubt, we Muslims, the past Muslims, the Muslims of today and the subsequent generations will be verbally hurt by some non-Muslims. There are two things that we should do in confronting this challenge.
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1. Tasbiru
2. Tat-taqu.
Tasbiru does not mean passiveness. It means to confront the challenge without being emotional, over react, but to respond to those accusations intellectually, wisely and convincing manner.
Tat-taqu. I do not disagree with you if you understand the word tat-taqu as to fear Allah by obeying His command which means to excises SABR. But the tat-taqu here, to me is to protect yourselves against the evil that may result from the spreading Islam-phobia and educating our non-Muslim fellows by using

1. Your possessions: Allah has told us that we will be tested in our wealth. Spending our wealth in confronting Islamphobia is FI SABEEL ALLAH.
2. Physically engage in the operation or action in refuting the Islamphobia. This is also a part of the meaning of Allah's word above mentioned (wa fi anfusikum)
3. We have lot of non-Muslim friends locally and nationally in Congress, House of Representatives, Interfaith Groups and Civil Right organizations. We should use the friendship in fighting against this discrimination based on our constitutional rights
Reacting to Islam phobia patiently, intellectually and constitutionally will definitely insha Allah yield to pleasant result. The Seera of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was full of excellent examples. How many people the Makkans warned against listening to Muhammad (pbuh) or coming near to him or even talking to him? How many Arabs have attempted to kill Muhammad (pbuh) but later became Muslims?

It's needles to say that, those who spread false have their own agenda and always try to set a trap for Muslims to fall in. We should be wise not fall into that evil trap.
We should pray for those who are planting the seed of hatred in the hearts of our fellow Americans and those who burnt the Qur'an. Perhaps there will be among their offspring who will be not only supporters of Islam but those who will carriers of Islamic flags.
Finally, Allah says "God and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better, you will see that he with whom you had enmity has become your dearest friend"
Dr. Ali is a co-founder, Core Scholar, and member of the Board of Trustees of the American Learning Institute for Muslims (ALIM), an academic institution where scholars, professionals, activists, artists, writers, and community leaders come together to develop strategies for the future of Islam in the modern world.
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Blogger comment:
When the Muslims were persecuted in Mecca in the first 10 years of Islam God ordered them to be patient. Then allowed them to escape the infidel and when Muslims were able to get strong he ordered them to fight back. The same all over the old testament the Jews would be persecuted and oppressed and when they return back to God and he would support them and they would win over their enemy.

Do not fear or get too passive I did that in America and I got persecuted for years more. The nicer you are the more they persecute you. In the time of the savage George Bush he would through his FBI get the patients to sue me and pay them money. Imagine you work very heard in America and you try to save lives and know people try to lie and get you persecuted like happened at least three times to me. I was actually very naive, and was telling the Americans we have to get Ben Laden for the 9/11 to find out that Bush and his gang quite likely did it since he lied already to us about weapons of mass destruction. He killed millions in Iraq and Afghan many of the American people do not care that is why God will destroy them all they care about is cheaper oil. Obama stole my passport very likely with some wicked people in Israel and the Saudi king the prime enemy of Islam. they thought they will keep me silent here in USA. I am not I will stand against America the Babylon the whore who corrupted the world (not the American people). If they get after me a lot of angry Muslims will bring down the evil empire. Time for Muslims to reexamine their faith if the Quran from God and we are right and we have to stand with God and we will win and have a dignified life.

If the Quran is not from God and I am not Al Mahdi Al Muntazer forget about Jihad and stay home and take any abuse from the Americans and their oppressive allies. If from God he will sand with us and we will win. As the prophet hadith: the actions are rewarded for intentions. If our intention is good and to have the word of God high and live by the way of the teachings of prophet Jesus we will win and a lot of good Christians will stand with us and not the corrupted Babylon.

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer

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