Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quran: 19. Maryam - (Mary)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.¡
En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso!

English Pickthall: [19:1]Kaf. Ha. Ya. A'in. Sad.
Spanish: [19:1]khy's.

English Pickthall: [19:2]A mention of the mercy of thy Lord unto His servant Zachariah.
Spanish: [19:2]Recuerdo de la misericordia que tu Señor tuvo con Su siervo Zacarías.

English Pickthall: [19:3]When he cried unto his Lord a cry in secret,
Spanish: [19:3]Cuando invocó interiormente a su Señor.

English Pickthall: [19:4]Saying: My Lord! Lo! the bones of me wax feeble and my head is shining with grey hair, and I have never been unblest in prayer to Thee, my Lord.

Spanish: [19:4]Dijo: «¡Señor! Se me han debilitado los huesos, mis cabellos han encanecido. Cuando Te he invocado, Señor, nunca me has decepcionado.

English Pickthall: [19:5]Lo! I fear my kinsfolk after me, since my wife is barren. Oh, give me from Thy presence a successor
Spanish: [19:5]Temo la conducta de mis parientes a mi muerte, pues mi mujer es estéril. Regálame, pues, de Ti un descendiente,

English Pickthall: [19:6]Who shall inherit of me and inherit (also) of the house of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, acceptable (unto Thee).
Spanish: [19:6]que me herede a mí y herede de la familia de Jacob, y ¡haz, Señor, que él Te sea agradable!»

English Pickthall: [19:7](It was said unto him): O Zachariah! Lo! We bring thee tidings of a son whose name is John; we have given the same name to none before (him).
Spanish: [19:7]«¡Zacarías! Te anunciamos la buena nueva de un muchacho que se llamará Juan, sin homónimos en el pasado».

English Pickthall: [19:8]He said: My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached infirm old age ?
Spanish: [19:8]«¡Señor!» dijo «¿Cómo puedo tener un muchacho, siendo mi mujer estéril y yo un viejo decrépito?»

English Pickthall: [19:9]He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me, even as I created thee before, when thou wast naught.
Spanish: [19:9]«Así será», dijo. «Tu Señor dice: 'Es cosa fácil para Mí. Ya te he creado antes cuando no eras nada'».

English Pickthall: [19:10]He said: My Lord! Appoint for me some token. He said: Thy token is that thou, with no bodily defect, shalt not speak unto mankind three nights.
Spanish: [19:10]Dijo: «¡Señor! ¡Dame un signo!» Dijo: «Tu signo será que, estando sano, no podrás hablar a la gente durante tres días».

English Pickthall: [19:11]Then he came forth unto his people from the sanctuary, and signified to them: Glorify your Lord at break of day and fall of night.
Spanish: [19:11]Entonces, salió del Templo hacia su gente y les significó que debían glorificar mañana y tarde.

English Pickthall: [19:12](And it was said unto his son): O John! Hold fast the Scripture. And we gave him wisdom when a child,
Spanish: [19:12]«¡Juan! ¡Coge la Escritura con mano firme!» Y le otorgamos el juicio cuando aún era niño,

English Pickthall: [19:13]And compassion from Our presence, and purity; and he was devout,
Spanish: [19:13]así como ternura de Nosotros y pureza. Y fue temeroso de Alá

English Pickthall: [19:14]And dutiful toward his parents. And he was not arrogant, rebellious.
Spanish: [19:14]y piadoso con sus padres; no fue violento, desobediente.

English Pickthall: [19:15]Peace on him the day he was born, and the day he dieth and the day he shall be raised alive!
Spanish: [19:15]¡Paz sobre él el día que nació, el día que muera y el día que sea resucitado a la vida!

English Pickthall: [19:16]And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East,
Spanish: [19:16]Y recuerda a María en la Escritura, cuando dejó a su familia para retirarse a un lugar de Oriente.

English Pickthall: [19:17]And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man.
Spanish: [19:17]Y tendió un velo para ocultarse de ellos. Le enviamos Nuestro Espíritu y éste se le presentó como un mortal acabado.

English Pickthall: [19:18]She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God-fearing.
Spanish: [19:18]Dijo ella: «Me refugio de ti en el Compasivo. Si es que temes a Alá...»

English Pickthall: [19:19]He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son.
Spanish: [19:19]Dijo él: «Yo soy sólo el enviado de tu Señor para regalarte un muchacho puro».

English Pickthall: [19:20]She said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste ?
Spanish: [19:20]Dijo ella: «¿Cómo puedo tener un muchacho si no me ha tocado mortal, ni soy una ramera?»

English Pickthall: [19:21]He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me. And (it will be) that We may make of him a revelation for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained.
Spanish: [19:21]«Así será», dijo. «Tu Señor dice: 'Es cosa fácil para Mí. Para hacer de él signo para la gente y muestra de Nuestra misericordia'. Es cosa decidida».

English Pickthall: [19:22]And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place.
Spanish: [19:22]Quedó embarazada con él y se retiró con él a un lugar alejado.

English Pickthall: [19:23]And the pains of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm-tree. She said:Oh, would that I had diedhere this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten!
Spanish: [19:23]Entonces los dolores de parto la empujaron hacia el tronco de la palmera. Dijo: «¡Ojalá hubiera muerto antes y se me hubiera olvidado del todo...!»

English Pickthall: [19:24]Then (one) cried unto her from below her, saying: Grieve not! Thy Lord hath placed a rivulet beneath thee,
Spanish: [19:24]Entonces, de sus pies, le llamó: «¡No estés triste! Tu Señor ha puesto a tus pies un arroyuelo.

English Pickthall: [19:25]And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee.
Spanish: [19:25]¡Sacude hacia ti el tronco de la palmera y ésta hará caer sobre ti dátiles frescos, maduros!

English Pickthall: [19:26]So eat and drink and be consoled. And if thou meetest any mortal, say: Lo! I have vowed a fast unto the Beneficent, and may not speak this day to any mortal.
Spanish: [19:26]¡Come, pues, bebe y alégrate! Y, si ves a algún mortal, di: 'He hecho voto de silencio al Compasivo. No voy a hablar, pues, hoy con nadie'»

English Pickthall: [19:27]Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him. They said: O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing.
Spanish: [19:27]Y vino con él a los suyos, llevándolo. Dijeron: «¡María! ¡Has hecho algo inaudito!

English Pickthall: [19:28]O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot.
Spanish: [19:28]¡Hermana de Aarón! Tu padre no era un hombre malo, ni tu madre una ramera».

English Pickthall: [19:29]Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy ?
Spanish: [19:29]Entonces ella se lo indicó. Dijeron: «¿Cómo vamos a hablar a uno que aún está en la cuna, a un niño?»

English Pickthall: [19:30]He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet,
Spanish: [19:30]Dijo él: «Soy el siervo de Alá. Él me ha dado la Escritura y ha hecho de mí un profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:31]And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive,
Spanish: [19:31]Me ha bendecido dondequiera que me encuentre y me ha ordenado la azalá y el azaque mientras viva,

English Pickthall: [19:32]And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest.
Spanish: [19:32]y que sea piadoso con mi madre. No me ha hecho violento, desgraciado.

English Pickthall: [19:33]Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!
Spanish: [19:33]La paz sobre mí el día que nací, el día que muera y el día que sea resucitado a la vida».

English Pickthall: [19:34]Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.
Spanish: [19:34]Tal es Jesús hijo de María, para decir la Verdad, de la que ellos dudan.

English Pickthall: [19:35]It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.
Spanish: [19:35]Es impropio de Alá adoptar un hijo. ¡Gloria a Él! Cuando decide algo, le dice tan sólo: «¡Sé!» y se.

English Pickthall: [19:36]And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path.
Spanish: [19:36]Y: «Alá es mi Señor y Señor vuestro. ¡Servidle, pues! Esto es una vía recta».

English Pickthall: [19:37]The sects among them differ: but woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of an awful Day.
Spanish: [19:37]Pero los grupos discreparon unos de otros. ¡Ay de los que no hayan creído, porque presenciarán un día terrible!

English Pickthall: [19:38]See and hear them on the Day they come unto Us! yet the evil-doers are to-day in error manifest.
Spanish: [19:38]¡Qué bien oirán y verán el día que vengan a Nosotros! Pero los impíos están hoy, evidentemente, extraviados.

English Pickthall: [19:39]And warn them of the Day of anguish when the case hath been decided. Now they are in a state of carelessness, and they believe not.
Spanish: [19:39]¡Prevénles contra el día de la Lamentación, cuando se decida la cosa! Y ellos, entre tanto, están despreocupados y no creen.

English Pickthall: [19:40]Lo! We, only We, inherit the earth and all who are thereon, and unto Us they are returned.
Spanish: [19:40]Nosotros heredaremos la tierra y a sus habitantes. Y a Nosotros serán devueltos.

English Pickthall: [19:41]And make mention (O Muhammad) in the Scripture of Abraham. Lo! he was a saint, a prophet.
Spanish: [19:41]Y recuerda en la Escritura a Abraham. Fue veraz, profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:42]When he said unto his father: O my father! Why worshippest thou that which heareth not nor seeth, nor can in aught avail thee ?
Spanish: [19:42]Cuando dijo a su padre: «¡Padre! ¿Por qué sirves lo que no oye, ni ve, ni te sirve de nada?

English Pickthall: [19:43]O my father! Lo! there hath come unto me of knowledge that which came not unto thee. So follow me, and I will lead thee on a right path.
Spanish: [19:43]¡Padre! He recibido una ciencia que tú no has recibido. ¡Sígueme, pues, y yo te dirigiré por una vía llana!

English Pickthall: [19:44]O my father! Serve not the devil. Lo! the devil is a rebel unto the Beneficent.
Spanish: [19:44]¡Padre! ¡No sirvas al Demonio! El Demonio se rebeló contra el Compasivo.

English Pickthall: [19:45]O my father! Lo! I fear lest a punishment from the Beneficent overtake thee so that thou become a comrade of the devil.
Spanish: [19:45]¡Padre! Temo que te alcance un castigo del Compasivo y que te hagas, así, amigo

English Pickthall: [19:46]He said: Rejectest thou my gods, O Abraham ? If thou cease not, I shall surely stone thee. Depart from me a long while!
Spanish: [19:46]Dijo: «Abraham! ¿Sientes aversión a mis dioses? Si no paras, he de lapidarte. ¡Aléjate de mí por algún tiempo!»

English Pickthall: [19:47]He said: Peace be unto thee! I shall ask forgiveness of my Lord for thee. Lo! He was ever gracious unto me.
Spanish: [19:47]Dijo: «¡Paz sobre ti! Pediré por tu perdón a mi Señor. Ha sido benévolo conmigo.

English Pickthall: [19:48]I shall withdraw from you and that unto which ye pray beside Allah, and I shall pray unto my Lord. It may be that, in prayer unto my Lord, I shall not be unblest.
Spanish: [19:48]Me aparto de vosotros y de lo que invocáis en lugar de invocar a Alá, e invoco a mi Señor. Quizá tenga suerte invocando a mi Señor».

English Pickthall: [19:49]So, when he had withdrawn from them and that which they were worshipping beside Allah, We gave him Isaac and Jacob. Each of them We made a prophet.
Spanish: [19:49]Cuando se apartó de ellos y de lo que servían en lugar de servir a Alá, le regalamos a Isaac y a Jacob e hicimos de cada uno de éstos un profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:50]And we gave them of Our mercy, and assigned to them a high and true renown.
Spanish: [19:50]Les regalamos de Nuestra misericordia y les dimos una reputación buenísima.

English Pickthall: [19:51]And make mention in the Scripture of Moses. Lo! he was chosen, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet.
Spanish: [19:51]Y recuerda en la Escritura a Moisés. Fue escogido. Fue enviado, profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:52]We called him from the right slope of the Mount, and brought him nigh in communion.
Spanish: [19:52]Le llamamos desde la ladera derecha del monte e hicimos que se acercara en plan confidencial.

English Pickthall: [19:53]And We bestowed upon him of Our mercy his brother Aaron, a prophet (likewise).
Spanish: [19:53]Por una misericordia Nuestra, le regalamos como profeta a su hermano Aarón.

English Pickthall: [19:54]And make mention in the Scripture of Ishmael. Lo! he was a keeper of his promise, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet.
Spanish: [19:54]Y recuerda en la Escritura a Ismael. Fue cumplidor de su promesa. Fue enviado, profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:55]He enjoined upon his people worship and almsgiving, and was acceptable in the sight of his Lord.
Spanish: [19:55]Prescribía a su gente la azalá y el azaque, y fue bien visto de su Señor.

English Pickthall: [19:56]And make mention in the Scripture of Idris. Lo! he was a saint, a prophet;
Spanish: [19:56]Y recuerda en la Escritura a Idris. Fue veraz, profeta.

English Pickthall: [19:57]And We raised him to high station.
Spanish: [19:57]Le elevamos a un lugar eminente.

English Pickthall: [19:58]These are they unto whom Allah showed favour from among the prophets, of the seed of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Noah, and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping.
Spanish: [19:58]Éstos son los que Alá ha agraciado entre los profetas descendientes de Adán, entre los que llevamos con Noé, entre los descendientes de Abraham y de Israel, entre los que dirigimos y elegimos. Cuando se les recitan las aleyas del Compasivo, caen prosternados llorando.

English Pickthall: [19:59]Now there hath succeeded them a later generation whom have ruined worship and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception.
Spanish: [19:59]Sus sucesores descuidaron la azalá, siguieron lo apetecible y terminarán descarriándose.

English Pickthall: [19:60]Save him who shall repent and believe and do right. Such will enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in aught -
Spanish: [19:60]salvo quienes se arrepientan, crean y obren bien. Ésos entrarán en el Jardín y no serán tratados injustamente en nada,

English Pickthall: [19:61]Gardens of Eden, which the Beneficent hath promised to His slaves in the unseen. Lo! His promise is ever sure of fulfilment -
Spanish: [19:61]en los jardines del edén prometidos por el Compasivo a Sus siervos en lo oculto. Su promesa se cumplirá.

English Pickthall: [19:62]They hear therein no idle talk, but only Peace; and therein they have food for morn and evening.
Spanish: [19:62]No oirán allí vaniloquio, sino «¡Paz!» y tendrán allí su sustento, mañana y tarde.

English Pickthall: [19:63]Such is the Garden which We cause the devout among Our bondmen to inherit.
Spanish: [19:63]Ése es el Jardín que daremos en herencia a aquéllos de Nuestros siervos que hayan temido a Alá.

English Pickthall: [19:64]We (angels) come not down save by commandment of thy Lord. Unto Him belongeth all that is before us and all that is behind us and all that is between those two, and thy Lord was never forgetful -
Spanish: [19:64]«No descendemos sino por orden de tu Señor. Suyo es el pasado, el futuro y el presente. Tu Señor no es olvidadizo.

English Pickthall: [19:65]Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefor, worship thou Him and be thou steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him ?
Spanish: [19:65]Es el Señor de los cielos, de la tierra y de lo que entre ellos está. ¡Sírvele, pues, persevera en Su servicio! ¿Sabes de alguien que sea Su homónimo?»

English Pickthall: [19:66]And man saith: When I am dead, shall I forsooth be brought forth alive ?
Spanish: [19:66]El hombre dice: «Cuando muera, ¿se me resucitará?»

English Pickthall: [19:67]Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught ?
Spanish: [19:67]Pero ¿,es que no recuerda el hombre que ya antes, cuando no era nada, le creamos?

English Pickthall: [19:68]And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them and the devils, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell.
Spanish: [19:68]¡Por tu Señor, que hemos de congregarles, junto con los demonios, y, luego, hemos de hacerles comparecer, arrodillados, alrededor de la gehena!

English Pickthall: [19:69]Then We shall pluck out from every sect whichever of them was most stubborn in rebellion to the Beneficent.
Spanish: [19:69]Luego, hemos de arrancar de cada grupo a aquéllos que se hayan mostrado más rebeldes al Compasivo.

English Pickthall: [19:70]And surely We are Best Aware of those most worthy to be burned therein.
Spanish: [19:70]Además, sabemos bien quiénes son los que más merecen abrasarse en ella.

English Pickthall: [19:71]There is not one of you but shall approach it. That is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord.
Spanish: [19:71]Ninguno de vosotros dejará de llegarse a ella. Es una decisión irrevocable de tu Señor.

English Pickthall: [19:72]Then We shall rescue those who kept from evil, and leave the evil-doers crouching there.
Spanish: [19:72]Luego, salvaremos a quienes temieron a Alá, y abandonaremos en ella, arrodillados, a los impíos.

English Pickthall: [19:73]And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them, those who disbelieve say unto those who believe: Which of the two parties (yours or ours) is better in position, and more imposing as an army ?
Spanish: [19:73]Cuando se les recitan Nuestras aleyas, como pruebas claras, dicen los infieles a los creyentes: «¿Cuál de los dos grupos está mejor situado y frecuenta mejor sociedad?»

English Pickthall: [19:74]How many a generation have We destroyed before them, who were more imposing in respect of gear and outward seeming!
Spanish: [19:74]¡A cuántas generaciones antes de ellos, que les superaban en bienes y en apariencia, hemos hecho perecer...!

English Pickthall: [19:75]Say: As for him who is in error, the Beneficent will verily prolong his span of life until, when they behold that which they were promised, whether it be punishment (in the world), or the Hour (of doom), they will know who is worse in position and who is weaker as an army.
Spanish: [19:75]Di: «¡Que el Compasivo prolongue la vida de los que están extraviados, hasta que vean lo que les amenaza: el castigo o la Hora! Entonces verán quién es el que se encuentra en la situación peor y dispone de tropas más débiles».

English Pickthall: [19:76]Allah increaseth in right guidance those who walk aright, and the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward, and better for resort.
Spanish: [19:76]A los que se dejen dirigir, Alá les dirigirá aún mejor. Las obras perdurables, las obras buenas, recibirán ante tu Señor una recompensa mejor y un fin mejor.

English Pickthall: [19:77]Hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in Our revelations and saith: Assuredly I shall be given wealth and children ?
Spanish: [19:77]¿Y te parece que quien no cree en Nuestros signos y dice: «Recibiré, ciertamente, hacienda e hijos»

English Pickthall: [19:78]Hath he perused the Unseen, or hath he made a pact with the Beneficent ?
Spanish: [19:78]conoce lo oculto o ha concertado una alianza con el Compasivo?

English Pickthall: [19:79]Nay, but We shall record that which he saith and prolong for him a span of torment.
Spanish: [19:79]¡No! Antes bien, tomaremos nota de lo que él dice y le prolongaremos el castigo.

English Pickthall: [19:80]And We shall inherit from him that whereof he spake, and he will come unto Us, alone (without his wealth and children).
Spanish: [19:80]Heredaremos de él lo que dice y vendrá, solo, a Nosotros.

English Pickthall: [19:81]And they have chosen (other) gods beside Allah that they may be a power for them.
Spanish: [19:81]Han tomado dioses en lugar de tomar a Alá, para alcanzar poder.

English Pickthall: [19:82]Nay, but they will deny their worship of them, and become opponents unto them.
Spanish: [19:82]¡No! Negarán haberles servido y se convertirán en adversarios suyos.

English Pickthall: [19:83]Seest thou not that We have set the devils on the disbelievers to confound them with confusion ?
Spanish: [19:83]¿No ves que hemos enviado a los demonios contra los infieles para que les instiguen al mal?

English Pickthall: [19:84]So make no haste against them (O Muhammad). We do but number unto them a sum (of days).
Spanish: [19:84]¡No te precipites con ellos, que les contamos los días!

English Pickthall: [19:85]On the day when We shall gather the righteous unto the Beneficent, a goodly company.
Spanish: [19:85]El día que congreguemos hacia el Compasivo a los temerosos de Alá, en grupo,

English Pickthall: [19:86]And drive the guilty unto hell, a weary herd,
Spanish: [19:86]y conduzcamos a los pecadores, en masa, a la gehena,

English Pickthall: [19:87]They will have no power of intercession, save him who hath made a covenant with his Lord.
Spanish: [19:87]no dispondrán de intercesores sino los que hayan concertado una alianza con el Compasivo.

English Pickthall: [19:88]And they say: The Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a son.
Spanish: [19:88]Dicen: «El Compasivo ha adoptado un hijo».

English Pickthall: [19:89]Assuredly ye utter a disastrous thing
Spanish: [19:89]Habéis cometido algo horrible,

English Pickthall: [19:90]Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins,
Spanish: [19:90]que hace casi que los cielos se hiendan, que la tierra se abra, que las montañas caigan demolidas,

English Pickthall: [19:91]That ye ascribe unto the Beneficent a son,
Spanish: [19:91]por haber atribuido un hijo al Compasivo,

English Pickthall: [19:92]When it is not meet for (the Majesty of) the Beneficent that He should choose a son.
Spanish: [19:92]siendo así que no le está bien al Compasivo adoptar un hijo.

English Pickthall: [19:93]There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave.
Spanish: [19:93]No hay nadie en los cielos ni en la tierra que no venga al Compasivo sino como siervo.

English Pickthall: [19:94]Verily He knoweth them and numbereth them with (right) numbering.
Spanish: [19:94]Él los ha enumerado y contado bien.

English Pickthall: [19:95]And each one of them will come unto Him on the Day of Resurrection, alone.
Spanish: [19:95]Todos vendrán a Él, uno a uno, el día de la Resurrección.

English Pickthall: [19:96]Lo! those who believe and do good works, the Beneficent will appoint fo them love.
Spanish: [19:96]A quienes hayan creído y obrado bien, el Compasivo les dará amor.

English Pickthall: [19:97]And We make (this Scripture) easy in thy tongue, (O Muhammad) only that thou mayst bear good tidings therewith unto those who ward off (evil), and warn therewith the froward folk.
Spanish: [19:97]En verdad, lo hemos hecho fácil en tu lengua, para que anuncies con él la buena nueva a los que temen a Alá y para que adviertas con él a la gente pendenciera.

English Pickthall: [19:98]And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Canst thou (Muhammad) see a single man of them, or hear from them the slightest sound ?
Spanish: [19:98]¡A cuántas generaciones antes de ellos hemos hecho perecer! ¿Percibes a alguno de ellos u oyes de ellos un leve susurro?

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