Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why they Attack The Saudi Embassies: Because of the A--Hole king of Saudi

By: Maged Taman

The Saudi A--hole king Abd Allah is the tyrant number one of the Muslims. He is standing with a lot of tyrants to prevent them from falling. See how solid he stood with Mubarak. See how he is standing with America and Israel not because they have a love story but because he guarantee for them the oil and fighting Jihads (though he finance some of them) and they guarantee him his throne. The A--hole king blocked me form going to Saudi since he thinks that I am Al Mahdi Al Muntazer. A lot of Muslims are angry for his tactics against the Islam and his family who stole the money of the Saudi so they attacking now the Embassies. He interfere with Muslims affairs to keep them oppressed inside their countries so they will get you and liberate Saudi. They will make your embassies to go back home and not to be focus of wickedness to stand against the Revolutions. I do not plan things for them but your evil plans will fire back against you.


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