Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is the Quran the true word of God?

Opinion A
The most correct answer to this claim is no. Most Quranic experts attribute the Qur'an in its form today to post-7th Century alterations. The consensus is,"Almost universally, independent scholars studying the Qur'an and Hadith, have concluded that the Islamic scripture was not revealed to just one man, but was a compilation of later redactions and editions formulated by a group of men, over the course of a few hundred years. The Qur'an which we read today is not that which was in existence in the mid-seventh century, but is a product of the eighth and ninth centuries. It was not conceived in Mecca or Medina, but in Baghdad. It was then and there that Islam took on its identity and became a religion.Gerd Puin has said:
"My idea is that the Koran is a kind of cocktail of texts that were not all understood even at the time of Muhammad. Many of them may even be a hundred years older than Islam itself. Even within the Islamic traditions there is a huge body of contradictory information, including a significant Christian substrate; one can derive a whole Islamic anti-history from them if one wants. The Qur'an claims for itself that it is 'mubeen,' or clear, but if you look at it, you will notice that every fifth sentence or so simply doesn't make sense. Many Muslims will tell you otherwise, of course, but the fact is that a fifth of the Qur'anic text is just incomprehensible. This is what has caused the traditional anxiety regarding translation. If the Qur'an is not comprehensible, if it can't even be understood in Arabic, then it's not translatable into any language. That is why Muslims are afraid. Since the Qur'an claims repeatedly to be clear but is not-there is an obvious and serious contradiction. Something else must be going on."
Opinion B
Yes, Quran is true word of God with the same language of God revelation. Quran is God revelations to Prophet Mohamed (peace upon him). These revelations of Quran by God to Prophet Mohamed was through the Angel Gabriel and started in year 610 AD when prophet Mohamed was in Mecca (Makkah) and was by then 40 years old. The revelations continued since then and was completed by year 632 AD (year of death of the prophet). The long period for full revelation of the Quran (around 22 years) allowed the Quran to be fully memorized and documented by many Muslims. It was recited in the mosque by prophet Mohamed during the daily five prayers without single letter change. Many Muslims since then until now are memorizing Quran fully without single letter difference. This explains why Quran remains by God will, and will remain by God will, without single letter change. For those who are seeking the truth and are interested in the proofs behind Quran revelation by God and that Quran is not a human written text, they can refer to the related question below and the related link for more details. However, it is enough to highlight few issues as follow: 1. Some historians claim that prophet Muhammad wrote the Quran by himself. Arguments against this claim are:
Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate man who had no formal education in any science, language, religious or secular.
Quran speaks about a variety of branches of science like: Astronomy, Embryology, Hydrology, Geology, Sociology, Psychology, Oceanography, Law etc. including lots of scientific statements that were validated only recently and were not known in the time of the prophet.
It was not known about prophet Muhammad any scholarly tendencies or achievements until the age of forty (when he received the first verses of Quran). So, how this illiterate man suddenly brings about a book like the Quran including an ideological and religious revolution that changed history?
Why prophet Muhammad (peace be on him), if he authored the Quran, honor the virgin Mary (May Allah be pleased with her), the mother of Jesus (peace be on him) as the best woman over all women on earth over all ages until day of judgment (an honor that even not offered by the bible) while not mentioning his own family members with a single word and even not mentioning any name of them.?
If he had authored the Quran, why he didn't claim this authorship of Quran and consequently gaining higher prestige among his followers who may consider him as a God.
Why he mentioned Quran verses that reprimand him (as that of chapter 33, verse 37 and chapter 80 verses 1-3) if he wrote Quran by himself?.2. Some others claim that Prophet Muhammad copied the Quran from the Bible. Arguments against this claim are:
No Arabic version of the Bible was available at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). The oldest Arabic version of the New Testament was published by Erpenius in 1616 AD (about one thousand years after Quran start of revelation)
Quran included correct scientific information on some incidents that are scientifically incorrect in the bible (e.g. sun was created after the creation of earth Genesis 1:9-19 and vegetation was created before the Sun-Genesis 1:11-13, 14-19). had prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) copied the information from the Bible and corrected the mistakes before mentioning it in the Quran? In addition, Quran includes lots of other scientific statements, that currently proven as correct, and not mentioned in the Bible.
How so many Jews and Christians, including many who were were scholars in their religion, converted to Islam if there was doubt that Prophet Muhammad was copying from their scriptures?
If Quran has some preachings or tales that are similar to that in the Bible, then this is because all holy books came from a single source (God).3. Some others claim that a person or group of persons taught Muhammad (peace be on him) on how to write the Quran. Arguments against this claim are:
If this is true, then why not discovered a single teacher of them in the time of the prophet.
Quran was revealed over 23 years and not at once. Is it logic that that someone or more taught prophet Muhammad over a period of without being known.
Sometimes Quran revelations occurred in the presence of the people and they witnessed how the prophet receives the Quran revelation.
Why the teacher, who taught Quran to the prophet, didn't claim it and its credit to himself?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was surrounded by his companions all the time and every minute detail of his life was recorded. How could Muhammad (peace be on him) make frequent secret visits to that mysterious teacher or teachers for 23 years without being caught even once?
How could so many Jews and Christians convert to Islam [some of them were scholars in their religion] if Muhammad (peace be on him) was learning from their priests or rabbis?
Opinion C
It is the true word of God as is proved in the following lines. Proofs and Evidences that Quran is from Allah (swt): 1. Quran says it is from Allah:The revelation of the Book (Quran) is from the Lord of the worlds (21:2) 2. Challenges:The Quran gave a challenge to the whole world that if they are so competent they should bring another Quran in the following verse: Produce a Quran like it (17:88) But so far no one has been able to put up another Quran. Then Quran lowered the challenge respectively and even then no one put forward his/her version of Quran
Produce 10 Suras like it (11:13) Produce One Sura like it (10:38) Produce One Sura somewhat comparable to it (2:23)Thus is means that it is a Divine word that no human has been able to produce a Quran. 3. No Contradictions:
Also, Quran is free from any contradictions and this is a proof that it is not coming from a human but from God himself. "Don't they ponder over the Quran, had it been from anyone besides Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions (4:82)4. No crookedness:An Arabic Quran without any crookedness...(39:28) 5. Prophecies fulfilled:Many of the prophesies in Quran have been fulfilled. And it is not possible for a person to see so much further into the future to make that exact a prophecy. Thus it means that it is from God. Victory of Rome over Persia (30:2-4) Allah makes superpower of those Muslims who believe and do good works (24:55) Islam will prevail over all other religions (48:28)6. Answer to every questionEvery time they come to you with an argument, We bring you the truth and the best of explanations. (Qur'an, 25:33) 7. Solution to every problemO mankind! there hath come to you a direction (QURAN) from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy. [Quran, 10:57] 8. Scientific facts: See page on Quran and www.quranmiracles.comOpinionuran
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