Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bashar Al Saad

From: COUNTRY Syria AGE (YEARS IN POWER) 40 years old (10) NICKNAME The Lion VICE Coziness with Hizbullah TRADEMARK Flattop WORST CRIME Brutal suppression of recent protests ILL-GOTTEN GAINS Father Hafez was worth $2 billion LEGIT PAL Lula da Silva WIFE Asma, recently in Vogue FUTURE PROSPECTS Shaky INTELLECTUAL PURSUIT Trained ophthalmologist PECCADILLO Nepotism NextPrevious « Previous 10 ... 12345678910... Next 10 »

Tarig Ibrahim I don't know why you rank Omar Bashir No. 7; in Darfur, he killed more people and raped much more women than any of these 10 despots. Not only this, but Omar Bashir is indicted with the most horrendous crime of all: genocide. Therefore, our president must be No. 1 and not Gaddafi. Yesterday, 11:44:57 AM – FlagLikeReplyDeleteEditModerate Ouizren Tamda Should also mention: Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen, Iran, Koweit, China, Cuba, Central america's country. Even Tunisia and Egypte on a transition stage. Of course some of them are seeking change but should have been cited for equity 2 days ago, 8:48:39 AM Aley Zain Why the West in particular EU states are suddenly so interested in the Humanitarian Rights, the scales to meausre Humanity and it's needs are either totally flawed or need a calibration of a gross scale, What is happening in Libya is nothing more than backing up of two factions of bandits just pro-long the conflict and ensure rule by divide phenomenon. Human rights have been clearly violated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia & Palestine and so on, by none other than the EU and US, but NATO/UN tends to sleep on it, if it is not in the interest of ' 2 days ago, 6:19:28 AM – FlagLikeReplyDeleteEditModerate Boon-Tee Tan Only 10 despots? Based on the criteria, there should be more; unless of course, one insists that friends of the West should not be counted. 2 days ago, 6:15:28 AM – FlagLikeReplyDeleteEditModerate Blogger comment:

Dictatorship comes in various forms can be secular or religious and can be any religion. Government in true Islam is quite moderate and quite accommodating. It respects human rights and the right of people to chose their leaders and held them accountable. It is free of corruption and the morality of religion is the main way people governs and be governed. The government of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a theocracy since the prophet was receiving inspiration from God most of time. It was built on purity and absence of corruption. It accommodated non-Muslims unfortunately the non-Muslims at that time were quite hostile to Muslims and Muslims had to carry the sword defending their religion and themselves. Prophet Muhammad did both the theoretical and applicable parts of governments. People talked about hopes and ideals for a sound community or the city of virtue. Prophet Muhammad caused them to be a reality. He did not require people to be sinless but encouraged them to live by the moral and ethics that God asked and ordered us to do. He was not expecting us to be sinless but we all can improve. It is very clear that law is not the answer but morals. In America people have two lawyers one to use to sue others and one to defend themselves against law suits. You live in a very hostile environment not driven by morals but fear and intimidation. Compare that with the community that prophet Muhammad created which is built on kindness and honesty. There is a man that is named Al Mahdi Al Muntazer that will create the same community as that of prophet Muhammad and he will be called by the name of the prophet since he will establish the same achievements of the prophet and will be blessed by having Jesus be upon him to take over this kingdom of heaven that was described in the old testament, new testament and the Quran.

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