Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Jews in the Arab/Muslim land should not fear persecution

يهود تونس ما بعد الثورة
عبرت طائفة من يهود تونس في جزيرة جربة عن مخاوفها مما يخبئه المستقبل ما بعد الثورة في البلاد، في إشارة إلى مسائل أمنية. وربطوا تخوفاتهم بما يرونه غموضا في مشاريع الأحزاب السياسية وتصوراتها المجتمعية حتى الآن.

ولطالما ساد التعايش بين المسلمين واليهود في تونس، ولم تقع أحداث جديرة بالذكر منذ تفجير كنيس جربة عام 2002.وقد ألغت السلطات هذا العام مظاهر الاحتفالات في الغريبة على خلفية الوضع الأمني.

Blogger comment:
The Jews in Arab and Muslims lands should not fear persecution or having their passports taken away. This is provided the Jews in non-Muslims lands do the same with Muslims/Arabs. Eye to an eye as in the Bible. For example some of the Jews in America went on persecuting me and paying patients money to sue me, then after leaving me hanging for years to intimidate me, other Jews cam to defends me then they changed their ways. To the Jews God curse them (except the good ones) I really do not care about your games. We have a lot of Jews in Arab land that can be dealt with in the same way. We are not like in the old days when you have the three structures over us the tyrants, their governments and America that you made her the whore who corrupt the world. You knew when I had a contract to work from Saudi Arabia and you knew that if I would go there I may bring down your tyrant friend the king of Saudi so you stole my passport. I know that you are watching me and listening on my phone calls, but God is doing the same to you. To the evil Jews you are under God microscope and he will not only revenge for me in this life but in eternity you will be in hell.
Al Mahdi Al Muntazer

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