Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ramdan Karim to all Muslims and The Best wishes for the liberation of the Saudi Land

By: Maged Taman

The tyrant regime of Saudi and some of the Saudi family are the big hindrance for the revolutions of the Arab and Muslims. They are the ones who are waiting to devour Al Mahdi even before he appears. They worked hard to try to support the fallen tyrants from Tunis to Egypt to Jordan. They really do not care about the west but for their personal interest to stay in power. They have many of their corrupt scholars that will stand for them since their wages are paid by the tyrants and not Al Mahdi. They gave money to Jordan to keep their tyrant in power. They play politics very well to stay in power. Even in face book they have website of Al Mahdi that is they support as propaganda to their corrupt king, thus they are standing hard to Al Mahdi Al Muntazer. The hypocrites will lose it is not my promise but it is God and his prophet. When the Saudi is liberated by the very devout Saudi Muslims the tyrant of Saudi and his family will fall. They are the one who chose the fight and not me. Again no violence but peaceful demonstrations and meeting in the Mosques to bring down the Saudi tyrants. We can then have the oil sold to the West with reasonable price and invest in all Muslim countries and instead of money for weapons will be money for development and prosperity.

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer

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