Sunday, July 31, 2011

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer: Reality or Fantasy

القبض على "المهدى المنتظر" بالفيومألقت أجهزة الأمن بمحافظة الفيوم اليوم "الخميس" القبض على عاطل ادعى أنه "المهدى المنتظر" وأن لديه القدرة على تسخير الجان لقضاء حوائج الناس .وكان اللواء مرسى عياد مدير أمن الفيوم قد تلقى معلومات تفيد بقيام عاطل يدعى "رمضان عبدالتواب" 34 عاما - من قرية /الصبيحى/ مركز يوسف الصديق بادعائه أنه "المهدى المنتظر" وأنه يمتلك القدرة علي تسخير الجان وحل مشاكل المواطنين والقيام بأعمال سحر وشعوذة مقابل أجر رمزى وهدايا عينية بعد التأكد من صحة المعلومات وإتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية داهمت قوة من الشرطة منزل المتهم ، وتمكنت من إلقاء القبض عليه ، وضبطت مجموعة من الكتب و "الأحجبة" والأوراق الخاصة بأعمال السحر وتم تحرير محضر بالواقعة وتولت النيابة العامة التحقيق .

Blogger Comment:A lot of people over the years claimed themselves to be Al Mahdi Al Muntazer or other savior. The idea itself came not only from religions but also from human conscious. There are too much problems and disorders in the world that politicians collectively or competitively led to people to believe or desire a new world leader that will turn things around. He will be the turning point and after that people will learn how the right government can be created and maintained so when he is gone it continues to function spontaneously.The task is just too great and the enemies of this leader will be toot strong that the mission itself is a failure in its start point, unless God want it to happen. People remember how Jesus (PBUH) was oppressed and persecuted from the first day he declared his ministry. People who are claiming to be Al Mahdi Al Muntazer have many reasons to do that:

1- Plainly crazy people.
2- People who misinterpret a dream or certain conditions.
3- People who are true liars, know that and want second gain of this job.
4- People who are good and thinks they will deliver the good to people and they ought to try that even if not the true Al Mahdi.
5- People who know that they are good and they may be truly Al Mahdi and finally things will go well and they will turn to be Al Mahdi.

Thus How we would know Al Mahdi Al Muntazer? the answer is simple read through my website and look in the world around you and you will know who is Al Mahdi Al Muntazer.

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