Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gadhafi the coward is hiding behind women

Libya's Gadhafi calls for volunteers, women answer

By David McKenzie, CNN

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Embattled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is calling for fresh volunteers in a months-long war with rebels attempting to bring about an end to his 42-year rule -- and women of all ages are answering, CNN has learned.

Women from in and around Gadhafi's stronghold of Tripoli have been traveling south to a training facility in Bani Walid to practice with weapons, a common sight in a country where young girls receive military training in schools.

As NATO's airstrikes crossed the 100-day mark and rebels continue to fight to oust Gadhafi, he is tapping everything and everyone in his arsenal to hold on to power.

At the training facility in Bani Walid, women are training to "defend Moammar and the country," said Sgt. Faraj Ramadan, a woman who is training other women to properly handle weapons.

"They train to use it, assemble it and take it apart, and to shoot," she told CNN recently. "They were trained and got excellent scores."

At a recent graduation at the facility, 40-year-old Fatima Masoud said she liked the training. She said she left her textile job every day at 4 p.m. to train.

"I liked training and defending my country, and now I'm am training women from all ages to use weapons," she said.

It is unclear how many have answered Gadhafi's call or how many had graduated from the program at Bani Walid.

But women are fighting alongside government forces.

A woman, who did not want to identified, fresh from the frontlines, attended the graduation. She was still wearing a cannula in her wrist.

"Do not underestimate any woman in Libya, whether old or young," the woman said. "The woman is still able to perform more than you think."

Gadhafi's government claims it has handed out more than a million weapons to civilians since the uprising began. CNN cannot independently verify the claim.

Blogger comment:
Gadhafi when he stole the Libyan people money and liberty he did not care for women or men but for crazy Gadhafi. The women who got a lot of millions of the Libyan people are mainly his wife and his daughter. For the Libyan women wake up this crazy wicked guy will use you for the last minute to his own protection. The game is clear is to stay in power even if he to sacrifice all Libyan people. Tell all Libyan people about my website and that God will grant them victory. Ghadafi will use all tricks: the west against him, the Libyan nationalism and other false ideas to simply stay in power all time and write the fake history of his heroism. He is going to fall soon like other tyrants.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Russia is standing against the Syrian Tyrant

روسيا: يذهب القادة ويبقى شعب سوريا

مارجيلوف دعا نظام الأسد إلى تجسيد الإصلاحات الديمقراطية التي وعد بها (الفرنسية)

قال المبعوث الرئاسي الروسي ميخائيل مارجيلوف إن لروسيا صديقا واحدا في سوريا هو الشعب، في مؤشر على ليونة روسية أكبر مع المعارضة السورية التي التأم جزء منها في مؤتمر نادر في دمشق أيد الاحتجاج السلمي، ودعا إلى نظام ديمقراطي، في وقت أكدت فيه مسؤولة سورية رفيعة استعداد النظام للإصلاح لإخراج البلاد من دائرة الخطر.

وكان مارجيلوف يتحدث اليوم في موسكو في استقبال وفد سوري معارض يضم سياسيين وناشطين حقوقيين.

وقال "بالنسبة لروسيا، فواضح تماما أننا لا نملك في الجمهورية العربية السورية من صديق إلا الشعب".

"القادة يأتون ويذهبون.. ويبقى لروسيا صديق واحد صدوقٌ هو الشعب السوري
ميخائل مارجيلوف المبعوث الرئاسي الروسي

ليونة أكبر
وأضاف "القادة يأتون ويذهبون.. لكن يبقى لروسيا صديق واحد صدوقٌ تعتمد عليه هو الشعب السوري".

ودعا مارجيلوف النظام السوري إلى تجسيد الإصلاحات الديمقراطية التي وعد بها، وإلى استشارة كل أطياف اللون السياسي.

وأشر كلامه على ليونة أكبر مع المعارضة تبديها روسيا الآن، وهي التي صدر عنها أكثر من رسالة تؤشر على وقوفها مع الأسد، منها اشتراكها معه في الحديث عن عصابات مسلحة متطرفة ضالعة في بعض أعمال القتل، ووقوفها ضد محاولات غربية لإدانة دمشق، التي تتهمها المعارضة بقتل 1400 مدني خلال نحو مائة يوم من الاحتجاجات.

وكانت الخارجية الروسية قد قالت سابقا إن ممثلي المعارضة في المنفى قبلوا دعوة جمعية للتعاون الإقليمي (يرأسها مارجيلوف) إلى زيارة موسكو، لكن لا نية لعقد اجتماع رسمي.

ضغط روسي
وأبدى رئيس الوفد السوري رضوان زيادة (وهو معارض سوري بارز وأستاذ زائر في جامعة جورج تاون) رضاه عن كلام مارجيلوف وقال "هذا بالضبط ما نريد سماعه من المسؤولين الروس".

وحث زيادة روسيا على الضغط على النظام السوري ليوقف "أعمال القتل التي ترتكبها أجهزة الأمن"، وعلى بعث "رسالة واضحة مفادها أن هذا أمر غير مقبول".

وقبل ذلك نقلت صحيفة كومرسانت عن زيادة قوله "يجب أن تكون روسيا على الجانب الصحيح من التاريخ وإلا فسيصعب عليها كثيرا إقامة علاقات مع سوريا في المستقبل".

للمزيد يمكن الاطلاع على
صفحة سوريا.. الإصلاح والحرية
كما نقلت الصحيفة عن محمود حمزة وهو ممثل للمعارضة في روسيا قوله "نريد إقناع السلطات الروسية بالتوقف عن حماية النظام السوري".

وعبّر الوفد لوكالة نوفوستي عن ثقته بقدرة المعارضة على إسقاط النظام سلميا، لبناء دولة مدنية.

الإخوان والأكراد
وحول دور الإخوان المسلمين ومدى قبولهم في الشارع قال قياديّهم ملهم الدروبي إن الجماعة من مكونات الشارع السوري، وإنها قامت منذ 1996 بمراجعة داخلية لإستراتيجيتها وفكرها وتوصلت إلى مشروع سياسي نص على أهمية الحرية في كل المجالات السياسية والدينية.

وحول تخوف الغرب من الإسلاميين، قال نحن نقوم بجولات لنشرح وجهة نظرنا بأن الجماعة لا تشكل كل المجتمع بل شريحة منه.

أما عن التطلعات القومية الكردية، فقال الناشط الكردي رضوان العدينية إن الأكراد لا يريدون الانفصال ولا يجوز الشك في نواياهم، وكل ما يشاع عن رغبتهم في دولة مستقلة هو من صنع النظام.

البلد في خطر
وجاء لقاء مبعوث الكرملين بالمعارضة في وقت قالت فيه بثينة شعبان مستشارة الرئيس بشار الأسد إن حكومتها مستعدة لقبول الإصلاحات والتحول نحو الديمقراطية، وإلا فسيكون البلد في خطر، والحكومة والمعارضة سواء بسواء يدركون ذلك.

بثينة شعبان: على المعارضة أن تدين أيضا قتل عناصر من قواتنا المسلحة
وقالت لشبكة سكاي نيوز "نحن ندين العنف لكن يجب عليهم (المعارضة) أن يدينوا أيضاً قتل عناصر من قواتنا المسلحة والشرطة" على يد من وصفتهم بأنهم مجموعة منظمة من المتطرفين الدينيين، تأمل أن يكون ممكنا عزلهم بسرعة عبر حوار وطني، مؤكدة ألا مشكل لدى السلطات إطلاقا مع المظاهرات السلمية.

مؤتمر نادر
واختُتم في دمشق أمس مؤتمر نادر رخصت له السلطات، أيّد الاحتجاج السلمي، ودعا إلى نظام ديمقراطي كـ"مسار واضح غير قابل للتفاوض... لإنقاذ شعبنا وبلدنا" من "مسار ثان نحو المجهول فيه خراب ودمار" حسب تعبير المعارض منذر خدام الذي ترأس الاجتماع.

واتهم معارضون في سوريا وخارجها المشاركين في الاجتماع بأنهم مسيرون من النظام، وانسحب من اللقاء المعارضُ البارز عارف دليلة خشية أن تستخدمه السلطات "لأغراض دعائية".

وأعلنت دمشق انطلاق مشاورات مع المعارضة في العاشر من الشهر القادم لإعداد إطار لحوار وطني وعد به الأسد، وهو حوار تشرف عليه هيئة يرأسها فاروق الشرع نائب الرئيس السوري.

56 الى كل العلويين الشرفاء
الفرصة الاخيرة
لديكم فرصة اخيرة ايها العلويين الشرفاء لتثوروا مع اخوانكم من الطوائف الاخرى لاسقاط هذا النظام والا لن يسامحكم الشعب السوري ويذهب الحكام ويبقى الشعب

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Journey into the Hereafter

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 1 of 8): An Introduction
Description: An introduction to the concept of the existence of life after death both in Islam, and how it makes our life meaningful; with purpose.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 11 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 26 Jun 2011 Viewed: 59172 (daily average: 34) - Rating: 4.6 out of 5 - Rated by: 43Printed: 1660 - Emailed: 83 - Commented on: 2 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam who passed away in 632, related:
“Gabriel came to me and said, ‘O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you shall eventually die. Love whom you desire, for you shall eventually depart. Do what you please, for you shall pay. Know that the night-prayer[1] is the honor of a believer, and his pride is being independant on others.’” (Silsilah al-Saheehah)

If there is only one thing certain about life, it is that it ends. This truism instinctively raises a question which preoccupies most people at least once in their life: What lies beyond death?
At the physiological level, the journey that the deceased takes is plain for all to witness. If left alone to natural causes,[2] the heart will stop beating, the lungs will stop breathing, and the body’s cells will be starved of blood and oxygen. The termination of blood flow to the outer extremities will soon turn them pale. With the oxygen cut off, cells will respire anaerobically for a time, producing the lactic acid which causes rigor mortis – the stiffening of the corpse’s muscles. Then, as the cells begin to decompose, the stiffness wanes, the tongue protrudes, the temperature drops, the skin discolors, the flesh rots, and the parasites have their feast - until all that is left is dried-out tooth and bone.

As for the journey of the soul after death, then this is not something that can be witnessed, nor can it be gauged through scientific enquiry. Even in a living body, the conscious, or soul, of a person cannot be subjected to empirical experimentation. It is simply beyond human control. In this regard, the concept of a Hereafter - a life beyond death, resurrection, and a Day of Reckoning; not to mention the existence of a Divine, Omnipotent Creator, His angels, destiny, and so on - comes under the subject of belief in the unseen. The only way in which man can come to know anything of the unseen world is through divine revelation.
“And with God are the keys of the unseen, none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but He knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.” (Quran 6:59)

While what has come down to us of the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel - the scriptures revealed to early prophets - all speak of a Hereafter, it is only through God’s Final Revelation to humanity, the Holy Quran, as revealed to His Final Prophet, Muhammad, that we learn most about the afterlife. And as the Quran is, and will forever remain, preserved and uncorrupted by human hands, the insight it gives us into the world of the unseen is, for the believer, as factual, real and true as anything that can be learnt through any scientific endeavor (and with a zero margin of error!).
“…We have neglected nothing in the Book; then unto their Lord they shall all be gathered.” (Quran 6:38)

Coupled with the question of what happens after we die, is the question: Why are we here? For if there is indeed no greater purpose to life (that is, greater than simply living life itself), the question of what happens after death becomes academic, if not pointless. It is only if one first accepts that our intelligent design, our creation, necessitates an intelligence and designer behind it, a Creator who will judge us for what we do, that life on earth carries any significant meaning.
“Then did you think that We created you in vain and that to Us you would not be returned? Therefore exalted be God, the Sovereign, the Truth; no deity is there save Him, Lord of the Supreme Throne.” (Quran 23:115-116)

If aught else, a discerning person would be forced to conclude that life on earth is full of injustice, cruelty and oppression; that the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, is what is paramount; that if one cannot find happiness in this life, whether due to an absence of material comforts, physical love, or other joyous experiences, then life is simply not worth living. In fact, it is precisely because a person despairs of this worldly life while having little, no, or imperfect faith in an afterlife, that they may commit suicide. After all, what else do the unhappy, unloved and unwanted; the dejected, (desperately) depressed and despairing have to lose?![3]
“And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?” (Quran 15:56)

So can we accept that our death is limited to mere physiological termination, or that life is merely a product of blind, selfish evolution? Surely, there is more to death, and so to life, than this.
[1] Formal prayers (salat) prayed voluntarily at night after the last (isha) and before the first (fajr) of the five daily prayers. The best time to pray them is in the final third of the night.
[2] Although a heart can be kept artificially beating, and blood artificially pumping, if the brain is dead, so too is the being as a whole.
[3] According to a United Nations report marking ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, “More people kill themselves each year than die from wars and murders combined ... Some 20 million to 60 million try to kill themselves each year, but only about a million of them succeed.” (Reuters, September 8, 2006)

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 2 of 8): The Believer in the Grave
Description: A description of the life in the grave between death and Judgment Day for the faithful believers.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 11 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 48647 (daily average: 28) - Rating: 4.9 out of 5 - Rated by: 28Printed: 1514 - Emailed: 51 - Commented on: 2 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

A Grave World
We will now take a brief look at the journey of the soul after death. This is truly an amazing story, all the more so because it is true and one which we all must take. The sheer depth of knowledge we have concerning this journey, its precision and detail, is a manifest sign that Muhammad was truly God’s Last Messenger to humanity. The revelation he received and then communicated to us from His Lord is as unambiguous in its description of the afterlife as it comprehensive. Our glimpse into this knowledge will begin with a brief exploration of the journey of the believing soul from the moment of death to its final resting place in Paradise.
When a believer is about to depart this world, angels with white faces come down from the heavens and say:
“O peaceful soul, come out to forgiveness from God and His pleasure.” (Hakim and others)
The believer will look forward to meeting his Creator, as the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, explained:
“…when the time of the death of a believer approaches, he receives the good news of God’s pleasure with him and His blessings upon him, and so at that time nothing is dearer to him than what lies ahead of him. He therefore loves meeting God, and God loves meeting him.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

The soul peacefully passes out of the body like a drop of water which emerges from a water-skin, and the angels take hold of it:
The angels gently extract it, saying:
“…Do not fear and do not grieve, but receive good tidings of the Paradise which you were promised. We were your allies in this worldly life and [are so] in the Hereafter, and you will have therein whatever your souls desire, and you will have therein whatever you request [or wish], as a hospitality from the Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 41:30-32)

Once extracted from the body, the angels wrap the soul in a shroud smelling of musk and ascend up to the heavens. As the Gates of Heaven open for the soul, the angels greet it:
“A good soul has come from the earth, may God bless you and the body you used to dwell in.”
…introducing it with the best names it was called with in this life. God commands his “book” to be recorded, and the soul is returned back to earth.
The soul then remains in a place of limbo in its grave, called the Barzakh, awaiting the Day of Judgment. Two fearsome, dread-inspiring angels called Munkar and Nakeer visit the soul to ask it about its religion, God, and prophet. The believing soul sits upright in its grave as God grants it the strength to answer the angels with full faith and certainty.[1]
Munkar and Nakeer: “What is your religion?”
Believing soul: “Islam.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “Who is your Lord?”
Believing soul: “Allah.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “Who is your Prophet?” (or “What do you say about this man?”)
Believing soul: “Muhammad.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “How did you come to know these things?”
Believing soul: “I read the Book of Allah (i.e. the Quran) and I believed.”
Then, when the soul passes the test, a voice from the heavens will call out:
“My slave has spoken the truth, supply him with furnishings from Paradise, clothe him from Paradise, and open a gate for him to Paradise.”

The believer’s grave is made roomy and spacious and filled with light. He is shown what would have been his abode in Hell - had he been a wicked sinner - before a portal is opened for him every morning and evening showing him his actual home in Paradise. Excited and full of joyful anticipation, the believer will keep asking: ‘When will the Hour (of Resurrection) come?! When will the Hour come?!’ until he is told to calm down.[2]
[1] Musnah Ahmad
[2] Al-Tirmidhi

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 3 of 8): The Believer on Judgment Day
Description: How the believers will experience the Day of Reckoning, and some of the qualities of the faithful that will ease their passage to the gates of Paradise.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 18 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 37012 (daily average: 21) - Rating: 4.6 out of 5 - Rated by: 14Printed: 1402 - Emailed: 28 - Commented on: 0 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

The Day of Judgment
“That Day, a man shall flee from his brother; from his mother and his father; from his wife and his children. For on that Day, every man will have enough to make him indifferent to others.” (Quran 80:34-37)

The Hour of Resurrection will be a terrifying, overwhelming event. Yet, despite its trauma, the believer will be ecstatic, just as Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, related from his Lord:
God says, “By My Glory and Majesty, I will not give My slave two securities and two terrors. If he feels secure from Me in the world[1], I will instill fear in him on the Day when I gather My slaves together; and if he fears Me in the world, I will make him feel safe on the Day when I gather My slaves together.”[2]
“Unquestionably, for the allies of God there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve: those who believed and used to fear God (in this life); for them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of God. Indeed in that is the great success.” (Quran 10:62-64)

When all humans ever created are gathered to stand naked and uncircumcised on a great plain under the ferocious scorching heat of the Sun, an elite group of pious men and women will be shaded under the Throne of God. The Prophet Muhammad foretold just who these fortunate souls will be, on that Day when no other shade will avail:[3]
· a just ruler who did not abuse his power, but established divinely revealed justice among people
· a young man who grew up worshipping his Lord and controlled his desires in order to remain chaste
· those who hearts were attached to the Mosques, longing to return every time they left them
· those who loved one another for God’s sake
· those who were tempted by seductively beautiful women, but their fear of God stopped them from sinning
· the one who spent in charity sincerely for God’s sake, keeping their charity secret
· the one who wept out of God’s fear in solitude

Specific acts of worship will also keep people safe on that day, namely:
· efforts in this world to relieve the woes of the distressed, to help the needy, and to overlook the mistakes of others will relieve people’s own distress on Judgment Day[4]
· leniency shown to the indebted[5]
· the just who are fair to their families and matters entrusted to them[6]
· controlling anger[7]
· whoever calls to prayer[8]
· growing old while in a state of Islam[9]
· performing ritual ablution (wudu’) regularly and properly[10]
· those who fight alongside Jesus son of Mary against the Anti-Christ and his army[11]
· martyrdom

God will bring the believer close to Him, shelter him, cover him, and ask him about his sins. After acknowledging his sins he will believe he is doomed, but God will say:
“I concealed it for you in the world, and I forgive it for you this Day.”
He will be rebuked for his shortcomings,[12] but will then be handed his record of good deeds in his right hand.[13]
“Then as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will be judged with an easy account and return to his people in happiness.” (Quran 84:7-8)

Happy to look at his record, he will announce his joy:
“So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, ‘Here, read my record! Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account.’ So he will be in a pleasant life – in an elevated Garden, its [fruit] to be picked hanging near. [He will be told], ‘Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past.’” (Quran 69:19-24)

The record of good deeds will then be weighed, literally, to determine whether it outweighs the person’s record of bad deeds, and so that reward or punishment be meted out accordingly.
“And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [any deed even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We to take account.” (Quran 21:47)
“So whoever worked even an atom’s weight of good will see (the good fruits of his labor).” (Quran 99:7)
The prophet saying: “The heaviest thing that will be placed in a person’s Balance on the Day of Resurrection [after the testimony of Faith] is good manners, and God hates the obscene, immoral person.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

The believers will quench their thirst from a special reservoir dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad. Whoever drinks from it shall never experience thirst again. Its beauty, immenseness, and sweet, fine taste have been described in detail by the Prophet.

The believers in Islam – both the sinful amongst them and the pious – as well as the hypocrites will be left in the great plain after the unbelievers are driven to Hell. A long bridge traversing the Hellfire and engulfed in darkness will separate them from Paradise.[14] The faithful will take strength and comfort in their swift crossing over the roaring fires of Hell and in the ‘light’ that God will place in front of them, guiding them to their eternal home:
“On the Day you see the believing men and believing women, their light proceeding before them and on their right, [it will be said], ‘Your good tidings today are of gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein you will abide eternally.’ Indeed in that is the great success.” (Quran 57:12)

Finally, after crossing the bridge, the faithful will be purified before they are entered into Paradise. All scores between believers will be settled so that no one man nurses a grudge against another.[15]
[1] In the sense that he does not fear God’s punishment and thus commits sins.
[2] Silsila Al-Saheehah.
[3] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[4] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[5] Mishkat.
[6] Saheeh Muslim.
[7] Musnad.
[8] Saheeh Muslim.
[9] Jami al-Sagheer.
[10] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[11] Ibn Majah.
[12] Mishkat.
[13] Saheeh Al-Bukhari. A sign that they are from the inhabitants of Paradise, as opposed to those who will be given their record of deeds in their left hands or behind their backs.
[14] Saheeh Muslim.
[15] Saheeh Al-Bukhari

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 4 of 8): The Believer and Paradise
Description: How those achieving the success of Paradise on account of faith are received therein.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 18 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 30063 (daily average: 17) - Rating: 4.7 out of 5 - Rated by: 14Printed: 1340 - Emailed: 21 - Commented on: 0 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

The believers will be ushered on towards the grand eight gates of Paradise. There, they will receive a joyous angelic reception and be congratulated on account of their safe arrival and salvation from Hell.
“But those who feared their Lord will be driven to Paradise in groups until, when they reach it while its gates have been opened and its keepers say, ‘Peace be upon you; you have become pure; so enter it to abide eternally therein.” (Quran 39:73)
(It will be said to the pious): “O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you then among My honored slaves. Enter you My Paradise!” (Quran 89:27-30)
The best of the Muslims will enter Paradise first. The most righteous of them will ascend to the highest levels.[1]
“But whoever comes to God as a believer (in His Oneness, etc.) and has done righteous good deeds; for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter).” (Quran 20:75)
“And the foremost (in faith) will be foremost (in the Hereafter); those are the ones brought near to God in the Gardens of Pleasure; they will enter in one rank with bright faces.” (Quran 56:10-2)

The Quranic description of Paradise gives us a vision of just what a fantastic place it is. An eternal home that will fulfill all our wholesome desires, seduce all our senses, grant us everything we could possibly want and much more besides. God describes His Paradise as having earth made of is fine musk powder,[2] soil of saffron,[3] bricks of gold and silver, and pebbles of pearls and rubies. Beneath the gardens of Paradise are flowing rivers of sparkling water, sweet milk, clear honey, and non-intoxicating wine. The tents on their banks are domes of hollow pearls.[4] The whole space is filled with sparkling light, sweet-smelling plants and fragrances that can be savored from afar.[5] There are lofty palaces, huge mansions, grapevines, date palms, pomegranate trees,[6] lotus and acacia trees whose trunks of made of gold.[7] Ripe, abundant fruit of all kinds: berries, citrus, drupes, grapes, melons, pomes; all kinds of fruit, tropical and exotic; anything the faithful could possibly desire!
“…And therein is whatever each soul desires and delights the eyes...” (Quran 43:71)
Each believer will have a most beautiful, pious and pure spouse, wearing exquisite clothing; And there will be so much more in a new world of eternal, radiant joy.
“And no soul knows what has been hidden for them of comfort for eyes [i.e. satisfaction] as reward for what they used to do.” (Quran 32:17)

As well as physical delights, Paradise will also give its residents a state of emotional and psychological bliss, as the Prophet said:
“Whoever enters Paradise is blessed with a life of joy; he will never feel miserable, his clothes will never wear out, and his youth shall never fade away. The people will hear a divine call: ‘I grant you that you will be healthy and never fall sick, you will live and never die, you will be young and never age, you will be joyful and never feel miserable.’” (Saheeh Muslim)
Ultimately, the thing that will most delight the eyes will be the Countenance of God Himself. For the true believer, to see this blessed vision of God is to have won the ultimate prize.
“[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant, looking at their Lord.” (Quran 75:22-23)
This is the Paradise, the eternal home and final destination of the righteous believer. May God, Most High, make us worthy of it.
[1] Sahih al-Jami.
[2] Saheeh Muslim
[3] Mishkat
[4] Saheeh Al-Bukhari
[5] Sahih al-Jami
[6] Quran 56:27-32
[7] Sahih al-Jami

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 5 of 8): The Unbeliever in the Grave
Description: A description of the life in the grave between death and Judgment Day for the rejecting disbeliever.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 25 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 32345 (daily average: 19) - Rating: 4.8 out of 5 - Rated by: 19Printed: 1368 - Emailed: 29 - Commented on: 1 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

As death approaches the wicked disbeliever, he is made to feel something of the heat of the Hellfire. This taste of what is to come causes him to plead for a second chance on earth to do the good he knew he should have done. Alas! His pleading will be in vain.
“Until, when death comes to one of them, he says: ‘O my Lord. Send me back to life (on earth) in order that I may do good deeds in the things that I neglected.’ By no means! It is only an utterance that he says. And before them is a barrier (preventing them from returning: the life of the grave) until the Day (of Resurrection) they are ressurected.” (Quran 23:99-100)

Divine wrath and punishment is conveyed to the wicked soul by hideously ugly, dark angels who sit far away from it:
“Receive glad tidings of boiling water, wound discharge, and multiple, similar torments.” (Ibn Majah, Ibn Katheer)
The disbelieving soul will not look forward to meeting its Lord God, as the Prophet explained:
“When the time of the death of a disbeliever approaches, he receives the evil news of God’s torment and His Requital, whereupon nothing is more hateful to him than what is before him. Therefore, he hates the meeting with God, and God too, hates the meeting with him.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet also said:
“Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him, and whoever hates to meet God, God hates to meet him.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
The Angel of Death sits at the head of the disbeliever in his grave and says: “Wicked soul, come out to the displeasure of Allah” as he snatches the soul out of the body.
“And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death while the angels extend their hands, saying, ‘Save yourselves! Today you will be awarded the punishment of extreme humiliation for what you used to say against God other than the truth, and that you were, toward His verses, being arrogant.” (Quran 6:93)
“And if you could not see when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieved… striking their faces and their backs and saying, ‘Taste the punishment of the Blazing Fire.’” (Quran 8:50)

The evil soul leaves the body with great difficulty, drawn out by the angels as a thronged skewer is dragged through wet wool.[1] The Angel of Death then seizes the soul and puts it in a sack woven from hair which gives off a putrid stench, as foul and offensive as the most foul-smelling rotting corpse found on earth. The angels then take the soul up past another company of angels who inquire: “Who is this wicked soul?” to which they reply: “So and so, the son of so and so?” - using the very worst of names that he was ever called during his time on earth. Then, when he is brought to the lowest heaven, a request is made that its gate be opened for him, but the request is denied. Whilst the Prophet was describing these events, when he reached this point, he recited:
“The gates of heaven will not be opened for them and they will not enter paradise until a camel can pass through the eye of a needle.” (Quran 7:40)
God will say: “Record his book in Sijjeen in the lowest earth.”
…and his soul is cast down. At this juncture, the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, recited:
“He who assigns partners to Allah is as if he had fallen down from heaven and been snatched up by the birds, or made to fall by the wind in a place far distant.” (Quran 22:31)

The wicked soul is then restored to its body and the two fearsome, dread-inspiring angels, Munkar and Nakeer, come to it for its interrogation. After making him sit up, they ask:
Munkar and Nakeer: “Who is your Lord?”
Disbelieving soul: “Alas, alas, I do not know.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “What is your religion?”
Disbelieving soul: “Alas, alas, I do not know.”
Munkar and Nakeer: “What do you say about this man (Muhammad) sent to you?”
Disbelieving soul: “Alas, alas I do not know.”
Having failed his test, the disbeliever’s head will be struck with an iron hammer with a force so violent that it would crumble a mountain. The cry will be heard from heaven: “He has lied, so spread out carpets of Hell for him, and open for him a portal into Hell.”[2] The floor of his grave is thus set alight with some of Hell’s fierce fire, and his grave is made narrow and constricted to the extent that his ribs become intertwined as his body is crushed.[3] Then, an incredibly ugly being, wearing ugly garments and giving off a foul and offensive odor comes to the disbelieving soul and says: “Be grieved with what displeases you, for this is your day which you have been promised.” The disbeliever will ask: “Who are you, with your face so ugly and bringing evil?” The ugly one will reply: “l am your wicked deeds!” The disbeliever is then made to taste bitter remorse as he is shown what would have been his abode in Paradise - had he lived a righteous life - before a portal is opened for him every morning and evening showing him his actual home in Hell.[4] Allah mentions in His Book how the wicked people of Pharaoh are, at this very moment, suffering from such an exposure to Hell from within their graves:
“The Fire: they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): ‘(Now) cause Pharaoh’s people to enter the severest torment!’” (Quran 40:46)

Overcome with fear and loathing, anxiety and despair, the disbeliever in his grave will keep asking: “My Lord, do not bring the last hour. Do not bring the last hour.”
The Companion, Zaid b. Thabit, narrated how, when the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions were once passing some graves of polytheists, the Prophet’s horse bolted and almost unseated him. The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, then said:
“These people are being tortured in their graves, and were it not that you would stop burying your dead, I would ask God to let you hear the punishment in the grave which I (and this horse) can hear.” (Saheeh Muslim)
[1] Al-Hakim, Abu Dawood, and others.
[2] Musnad Ahmad.
[3] Musnad Ahmad.
[4] Ibn Hibban.

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 6 of 8): The Unbeliever on Judgment Day
Description: Some of the trial the disbeliever will face on Judgment Day.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 25 Sep 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 26880 (daily average: 15) - Rating: 4.8 out of 5 - Rated by: 9Printed: 1308 - Emailed: 14 - Commented on: 0 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

A great terror will befall the resurrected on the mighty Day of Resurrection:
“…He only delays them until a Day when eyes will stare (in horror).” (Quran 14:42)

The unbeliever is resurrected from his ‘grave’ as described by God:
“The Day they will emerge from the graves rapidly as if they were, toward an erected idol, hastening. Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. That is the Day which they had been promised.” (Quran 70:43)
The heart will be trembling, confused about what evil retribution lies in store for it:
“And (other) faces, that Day, will have upon them dust. Blackness will cover them. Those are the unbelievers, the wicked ones.” (Quran 80:40-42)
“And never think that God is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them (i.e., their account) until a Day when eyes will stare (in horror). Racing ahead, their heads raised up, their glance does not come back to them, and their hearts are void.” (Quran 14:42)
The disbelievers will be gathered as they were born - naked and uncircumcised – upon a great plain, driven on his faces, blind, deaf, and mute:
“We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection (fallen) on their faces – blind, dumb, and deaf. Their refuge is Hell; every time it subsides We increase them in blazing fire.” (Quran 17:97)
“And whoever turns away from My remembrance – indeed, he will have a depressing life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.” (Quran 20:124)

Three times they will “meet” God. The first time they will attempt to defend themselves in futile argument against God Almighty, saying things such as: “The prophets did not come to us!” Even though Allah revealed in His Book:
“…And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.” (Quran 17:15)
“…Lest you say: ‘There came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and no warner….’” (Quran 5:19)
The second time, they will present their excuses while acknowledging their guilt. Even the devils will try to excuse themselves from their crimes of leading men astray:
“His (man’s) personal demon will say: ‘Our Lord! I did not push him to transgress. Rather, he was himself in error, far astray.’” (Quran 50:27)
But God, Most High and Just, will not be fooled. He will say:
“Dispute not in front of me. I have already advanced before you the threat. The sentence that comes from Me cannot be changed. And I am not unjust (in the least) to the slaves.” (Quran 50:28-29)

The third time the wicked soul will meet its Maker to receive its Book of Deeds[1], a record omitting nothing.
“And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say: ‘Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?’ And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does not do injustice to anyone.” (Quran 18:49)
Upon receiving their records, the wicked ones will be rebuked in front of the whole of mankind.
“And they will be presented before your Lord in rows, (and He will say), ‘You have certainly come to Us, just as We created you the first time.’ But you claimed that We would never have an appointment!” (Quran 18:48)

The Prophet Muhammad said: “These are the ones who did not believe in God!”[2] And it is these whom God will question regarding the blessings they took for granted. Each one will be asked: ‘Did you think We would meet?’ And as each one will answer: ‘No!’ God will tell him: ‘I will forget about you as you forgot Me!’[3] Then, as the disbeliever will attempt to lie his way out, God will seal his mouth, and his body parts instead will testify against him.
“That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.” (Quran 36:65)

Besides his own sins, the disbeliever will also bear the sins of those he misled.
“And when it is said to them: ‘What has your Lord sent down?’ They say: ‘Legends of the former peoples,’ that they may bear their own burdens (i.e., sins) in full on the Day of Resurrection and some of the burdens of those whom they misguide without knowledge. Unquestionably, evil is that which they bear.” (Quran 16:24-25)
The psychological pain of deprivation, loneliness and abandonment will all to the physical torture.
“…and God will not speak to them or look at them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; and they will have a painful punishment.” (Quran 3:77)
While the Prophet Muhammad will intercede on behalf of all believers, no intercessor will the disbeliever find; he who worshipped false deities besides the One, True God.[4]
“…And the wrongdoers will not have any protector or helper.” (Quran 42:8)

Their saints and spiritual advisors will dissociate themselves, and the disbeliever would wish he could come back to this life and do the same to those who now disown them:
“(And they should consider that) when those who have been followed disassociate themselves from those who followed (them), and they [all] see the punishment, and cut off from them are the ties [of relationship]. Those who followed will say, ‘If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us.’ Thus will God show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are never to emerge from the Fire.” (Quran 2:167)

The sorrow of the sin-ridden soul will be so intense that he will actually pray: ‘O God, have mercy on me and put me in the Fire.’[5] He will be asked: ‘Do you wish you had a whole earth-full of gold so you could pay it to set yourself free?’ To which he will answer: ‘Yes.’ Whereupon he will be told: ‘You were asked for something much easier than that - worship God alone.’[6]
“And they were not commanded except that they should worship Allah (alone), being sincere to the upright religion (of Islam)….” (Quran 98:5)
“But the disbelievers – their deeds are like a mirage in a lowland which a thirsty one thinks is water until, when he comes to it, he finds it is nothing, but he finds God before Him, Who will pay him in full his due; and God is swift in account.” (Quran 24:39)
“And We shall turn to what deeds they have done, and We shall make them as dust dispersed.” (Quran 25:23)

The disbelieving soul will then be handed in his left hand and from behind his back, his written record which was kept by angels who noted his every deed in his earthly life.
“But as for he who is given his record in his left hand, he will say: ‘Oh, I wish I had not been given my record, and had not known what is my account.’” (Quran 69:25-26)
“But as for he who is given his record behind his back, he will cry out for his destruction.” (Quran 84:10-11)

Finally, he will be made to enter Hell:
“And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups until, when they reach it, its gates are opened and its keepers will say: ‘Did there not come to you messengers from yourselves, reciting to you the verses of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?’ They will say: ‘Yes, but the word (i.e., decree) of punishment has come into effect upon the disbelievers.’” (Quran 39:71)
The first to enter Hell will be the pagans, followed by those Jews and Christians who corrupted the true religion of their prophets.[7] Some will be driven to Hell, others will fall in it, snatched by hooks.[8] At that point, the disbeliever will wish that he had could have been turned into dust, rather than reap the bitter fruits of his evil works.
“Indeed, We have warned you of a near punishment on the Day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth and the disbeliever will say: ‘Oh, I wish that I were dust!’” (Quran 78:40)
[1] Ibn Majah, Musnad, and Al-Tirmidhi.
[2] Saheeh Muslim.
[3] Saheeh Muslim.
[4] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[5] Tabarani.
[6] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[7] Saheeh Al-Bukhari.
[8] Al-Tirmidhi.

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 7 of 8): The Unbeliever and Hell
Description: How the Hellfire will receive the unbelievers.By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 02 Oct 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 24386 (daily average: 14) - Rating: 4.7 out of 5 - Rated by: 12Printed: 1279 - Emailed: 13 - Commented on: 1 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

Hell will receive the faithless with its fury and roar:
“…and We have prepared for those who deny the Hour, a Blaze. When it [Hellfire] sees them from a distant place, they will hear its fury and roaring.” (Quran 25:11-12)
When they near it, they will anticipate their shackles and their destiny as fuel:
“Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a blaze.” (Quran 76:4)
“Indeed, with Us are shackles and burning fire.” (Quran 73:12)
Angels will rush at God’s command to seize and shackle him:
“Seize him and shackle him.” (Quran 69:30)
“…and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved.” (Quran 34:33)
Bound in chains…
“…a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits.” (Quran 69:32)
…he will be dragged along:
“When iron collars will be rounded over their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along.” (Quran 40:71)
While they are being tied down, chained, and dragged to be thrown into Hell, they will hear its rage:
“And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, and wretched is the destination. When they are thrown into it, they hear from it a [dreadful] inhaling while it boils up. It almost bursts with rage....” (Quran 67:6-8)

Since they will be driven from the great plain of gathering, naked and hungry, they will beg the inhabitants of Paradise for water:
“And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise: ‘Pour upon us some water, or from whatever God has provided you.’ They will say: ‘Indeed God has forbidden them both to the disbelievers.’” (Quran 7:50)
At the same time the faithful in Paradise will be received with honor, made comfortable, and served with delicious banquets, the disbeliever will dine in Hell:
“Then indeed, you, the stray, the deniers, will be eating from trees of zaqqoom and filling your bellies with it.” (Quran 56:51-53)
Zaqqoom: a tree whose roots are in the bottom of Hell and which branches into its other levels; its fruit resembles the heads of the devils:
“Is that (Paradise) better as hospitality or the tree of zaqqoom? Indeed, We have made it a torment for the wrongdoers. Indeed, it is a tree issuing from the bottom of the Hellfire, its emerging fruits as if it was heads of the devils. And indeed, they will eat from it and fill with it their bellies.” (Quran 37:62-66)

The wicked will have other food to eat as well, some that chokes,[1] and some like dry, thorny bushes.[2]
“Nor any food except from the (foul) discharge of wounds; none will eat it except the sinners.” (Quran 69:36-37)
And to wash down their melancholy meals, an extremely cold mix of their own pus, blood, sweat and wound discharge[3] as well as boiling, scolding water which dissolves their intestines:
“…and are given to drink scalding water that will sever their intestines.” (Quran 47:15)
The clothing of the denizens of Hell will be made of fire and pitch:
“...but those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire.” (Quran 22:19)
“Their garments of liquid pitch and their faces covered by the Fire.” (Quran 14:50)
Their sandals,[4] bed, and canopies will likewise be made of fire;[5] a punishment encapsulating the entire body, from heedless head to transgressing toe:
“Then pour over his head from the torment of scalding water.” (Quran 44:48)
“On the Day the punishment will cover them from above them and from below their feet and it is said: ‘Taste what you used to do.’” (Quran 29:55)

Their punishment in Hell will vary according to their disbelief and other sins.
“By no means! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher. And what can make you know what is the Crusher? It is the fire of God, [eternally] fueled, which mounts directed at the hearts. Indeed, it [Hellfire] will be closed down upon them. In extended columns.” (Quran 104:5-9)

Every time the skin will burn through, it will be replenished with new skin:
“Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through, We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, God is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.” (Quran 4:56)

Worst of all, the punishment will keep increasing:
“So taste [the penalty], and never will We increase you except in torment.” (Quran 78:30)

The psychological effect of this punishing chastisement will be tremendous. A chastisement so severe that its sufferers will cry out for it to be multiplied on those who led them astray:
“They will say: ‘Our Lord, whoever brought this upon us – increase for him double punishment in the Fire.’” (Quran 38:61)

The daring will make their first attempt to break out, but:
“And for them are maces of iron. Every time they want to get out of it from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said]: ‘Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!’” (Quran 22:21-22)

After failing several times, they will seek assistance from Iblees, the Great Satan himself.
“And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded: ‘Indeed, God had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with God] before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment.’” (Quran 14:22)

Giving up on Satan, they will turn to the angels guarding Hell to get their torment reduced, even if just for a day:
“And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell: ‘Supplicate your Lord to lighten for us [even] one day from the punishment.’” (Quran 40:49)
Awaiting the response for as long as God wills, the guards will come back and ask:
“‘Did there not come to you your messengers with clear proofs?’ They will say, ‘Yes.’ They (Hell’s keepers) will reply: ‘Then supplicate yourselves, but the supplication of the disbelievers is nothing but (an exercise in) futility.’” (Quran 40:50)

Losing hope in the reduction of punishment, they will seek death. This time they will turn to the Hell’s Chief Keeper, the angel, Malik, pleading to him for forty years:
“And they will call: ‘O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us!...’” (Quran 43:77)
His curt rebuttal after a thousand years will be:
“…Indeed, you will remain.” (Quran 43:77)
Eventually, they will return to He Whom they refused to turn to in this world, asking for one last chance:
“They will say, ‘Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame us, and we were a people astray. Our Lord, remove us from it, and if we were to return [to evil], we would indeed be wrongdoers.’” (Quran 23:106-107)

God’s respond will be thus:
“Remain despised therein and do not speak to Me.” (Quran 23:108)
The pain from this response will be worse than their fiery torment. For the disbeliever will know his stay in Hell will be for an eternity, his omission from Paradise absolute and final:
“Indeed, those who disbelieve and commit wrong – never will God forgive them, nor will He guide them to a path except the path of Hell; they will abide therein forever. And that, for God, is easy.” (Quran 4:168-169)
The greatest deprivation and sorrow for an unbeliever will be spiritual: he will be veiled from God and will be deprived of seeing Him:
“No! Indeed, from their Lord, that Day, they will be partitioned.” (Quran 83:15)
Just like they refused to “see” Him in this life, they will be separated from God in the next life. The faithful will jeer at them.
“So Today, those who believed are laughing at the disbelievers, on adorned couches, observing. Have the disbelievers [not] been rewarded [this Day] for what they used to do?” (Quran 83:34-36)
Their total despair and grief will culminate when death is brought in the form of a ram and slaughtered in front of them, so they know no refuge will ever be found in a final dissolution.
“And warn them, (O Muhammad), of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded; and yet they are heedless, and they do not believe!” (Quran 19:39)
[1] Quran 72:13.
[2] Quran 88:6-7.
[3] Quran 78:24-25.
[4] Saheeh Muslim.
[5] Quran 7:41.

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 8 of 8): Conclusion
Description: Some reasons for the existence of Paradise and Hell. By (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)Published on 02 Oct 2006 - Last modified on 22 Jun 2010 Viewed: 23772 (daily average: 14) - Rating: 4.7 out of 5 - Rated by: 52Printed: 1296 - Emailed: 118 - Commented on: 6 Category: Articles > The Hereafter > The Journey after Death

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, who passed away in 632, related:
“This world is a prison for the believer, but for the disbeliever it is a Paradise. While for the disbeliever, the Hereafter will be a prison, but for the believer, it will be his Paradise.”
Once, in the early period of Islam, a poor Christian happened upon one of the great scholars of Islam, who was at the time mounted upon a fine horse and clad in fine garments. The Christian recited to the well-to-do Muslim the hadeeth quoted above, before remarking: “Yet I stand before you a non-Muslim, poor and destitute in this world, while you are a Muslim, rich and prosperous.” The scholar of Islam replied: “Indeed so. But if you knew the reality of what might await you (of eternal punishment) in the Hereafter, you would consider yourself now to be in Paradise by comparison. And if you knew the reality of what might await me (of eternal bliss) in the Hereafter, you would consider me now to be in prison by comparison.”

Thus, it is from the great mercy and justice of God that he created Heaven and Hell. Knowledge of the Hellfire serves to dissuade man from wrong-doing while a glimpse into the treasures of Paradise incites him towards good deeds and righteousness. Those who deny their Lord, work evil and are unrepentant will enter Hell: a place of real pain and suffering. While the reward for righteousness is the place of unimaginable physical beauty and perfection that is His Paradise.

Often, people testify to the goodness of their own souls by claiming that any good they do is purely and solely out of a genuine love of God or to live by a universal moral and virtuous code, and for that, they do not need any sticks or carrots. But when God speaks to man in the Quran, He does so knowing the fickleness of his soul. The delights of Paradise are real, physical, tangible delights. Man can begin to appreciate just how desirable the perfect, abundant and unending food, clothing and homes of Paradise can be precisely because he is aware of how satisfying and sweet those things can be in this present reality.
“Beautified for men is the love of things they covet: women, children, hoards of gold and silver, branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. Such is the pleasure of the present life; but with Allah is the excellent return (to Paradise).” (Quran 3:14)

Likewise, man can begin to appreciate just how tortuous and terrifying Hellfire and its furnishings could be precisely because he is aware of how awful a burning by fire can be in this world. So, the journey of the soul after death, as described to us in vivid detail by God and His Prophet, Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, should and must serve as nothing but an incentive to what all of humanity surely and truly recognizes as its noble purpose: the worship and service of its Creator in selfless love, awe and gratitude. After all,
“…they were not commanded except that they should worship Allah (alone), being sincere to the upright religion (of Islam).” (Quran 98:5)

But, as for those many multitudes amongst mankind who, throughout the ages, neglect their moral duty to their Lord God and their fellow man, let then not forget that:
“Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So whoever is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, it is indeed he who has succeeded. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.” (Quran 3:185)

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Is Iran Supporting the tyrant of Syria

نتوقع من البرلمان مساءلة الرئيس عن سبب وجودجنود ايرانيين مشاركين في قمع الشعب السوري وكذلك وجود خبراء ايرانيين لتعذيب متظاهرين وقمع مظاهرات، فالثورة السورية فضحت وبشكل كبير ادعاءات الكثيرين وكشفت زيف ادعائاتهم ، ان ايران أحمدي نجاد ظهرت لها أجندة خاصة مختلفة تماماً عن كل شعاراتها التي حاولت بها خداع الشعب العربي والمسلم، ... لقد سقطت الأقنعة.. فهل ايران الاسلامية هي ايران أحمدي نجاد؟؟

Blogger comment:
Muslims have the right to have clear answers from the president of Iran and the religious leaders of Iran are they supporting the Tyrant of Syria against his people. If so it will be shame. I have many other questions to them, but this is my main question for now. This is actually the question of many Muslims Sunni. Al Mahdi al Muntazer would be a Muslim who will open his arms to all sects of Islam since with his coming Islam will be one sect and with Jesus coming all the world will be one religion.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Did We choose Islam?


Converts share their experiences

Perfect work
Islam’s coherent structure of moral teaching and practical life programme attracted me. It is a perfect work of architecture. All its parts complement each other: nothing is superfluous or lacking. - Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)

True freedom
I am attracted to Islam’s concept of One God. Nothing is like Him. This belief in the Oneness of God librates man from servitude to any human being and this is true freedom. The direct relationship between God and His servants also attracted me. - Ibrahim Khalil (Philobus)

Islam is perfection Compared to other scriptures, The Qur’an is like the Sun compared to a match. Anyone who reads the Word of Allah with a mind that is not completely closed to the Truth, will become a Muslim - Saifuddin Dirk Walter Mosig

Inner Peace
When I read the Qur’an, I really felt that this is a belief that I should have. I can’t really explain it, only one who has reverted would understand, because it’s a feeling, an inner peace. - Canadian Sister

Books against Islam
I came to Islam after reading the books written against Islam. I felt that these writers feared the dynamism of Islam. They put it to utter disgrace because they feared it.

Oneness of God
It is pure monotheism. It has a clear moral system. No scripture expresses the message of the Oneness of God as clearly as The Qur’an – Yahya

Slow Dawning
It was a slow dawning. It wasn’t like I woke up one night and said ‘This is it’. Reading the Qur’an answered my questions of faith in a logical manner – Carole Strum

I am convinced that the Qur’an is the Word of God. Things mentioned in the Qur’an were discovered by scientists in the last 100 years. The only one who could have known those things 1400 years ago was God. – Khadija Evans

Because you cover yourself up you’are not seen as a sex symbol, and because people cant judge you on your appearance, they have to judge you as a Human Being. That’s quite liberating. You don’t need anything else once you’ve found Islam. – Bahiya Malik (Lucy Norris)

Having a mind that accepts ideas on their factual merit makes believing in a religion difficult because most religious require acceptance by faith. Islam appeals to man’s reasoning. – Dr. Jeffery Lang

When I became a servent of Allah, I became liberated from all other forms of servitude. Others may thing they are liberated but they are addicted to hoarding wealth, unlawful sec and intoxicants. – Yahya Donald W. Flood

Nothing irrational
The logical and fascination style of The Qur’an penetrated deep into my soul. In Islam there is no irrational or unbelievable tenet or anything contradictory to modern science. – Dr Hamid Marcus

Life Itself
To some people religion, is a private concern like an amateur hobby. But when I read The Holy Qur'an I knew that Islam is no hobby but life itself! - Maryam Jameelah (Margaret Peggy Marcus)

True equality
I realized that Islam gives True equality not only to men and women, but to all races and classes, and individuals are differentiated only their level of piety - Karima Slack Razi

After research
I came into Islam after more then 30 years of research and life experience. Attaining peace through submission to Allah impressed me the most. Whenever I feel troubled my mind goes to the soothing words of the Qur'an. - Suleyman Ahmad

When I read the Qur'an I cried in joy of finding the truth. I was graduating in microbiology at that time. The description of the embryological process in the Qur'an [unknown at that time] impressed me. Once I was sure The Qur'an is truly from God, I accepted Islam. - Erin Saumaya Fannoun

Complete system
The teachings in Islam resembled the values I had been taught: belief in God, respect for others, truthfulness, courtesy, charity and honour. In Islam these are integrated into a complete system that is easy to understand. - Greg Noakes

Found the missing pieces
I came to know that Muslims believed in all the previous prophets, the miraculous birth of Jesus (pbuh), that there is no need for a mediator, that Jesus(pbuh) is a prophet and that there was another Prophet Muhammed(pbuh). I found that I had discovered all the missing pieces that I had been searching for. - Aminah Vanderdrift

Superficial freedom
It seems that a Western woman's happiness hinges on her access to nightclubs, alcohol and revealing clothes; and the absence of such freedom in Islam is seen as an infringement of basic rights. Such superficialities have very little to do with true happiness. - Haiqa Khan

Very definite
Islam is very practical, providing guidance on every aspect, including prayers, diet, cleanliness, manners and respect for parents. Right and wrong are definite in Islam. Limits are set, I was never able to find this [in my previous religion]. I thank God daily for the gift of Islam - Zahrah Riddle

I found myself agreeing with what I was reading in The Qur'an rather than arguing against it. By the time I had finished reading it I was convinced that I had found something important and meaningful. - Bushra Finch

Worship the creator
In Islam we worship The Creator. Others worship stones, or men as incarnations of God. You should worship the One that created everything. Reading The Qur'an will cut down your journey in search of the truth about life. - Abd-ul Waahid Paterson

Found my way
At the moment of my conversion, no angels sang hymns and no beam of light hit me, but I was filled with an enormous sense of peace and hope. I finally found my way. - Nuh Brecheen

Appeals to the truth-seeker
Islam is rational, natural and appeals to the truth seeker. The belief in one God frees us from superstition. It naturally leads to equality, for all have been created by the same God and are the servants of the same Lord. - Muhammed Aman Hobohm

Living Principle
The Qur'an touched me in a way that nothing else ever had. When I read the Yusuf Ali translation, I just cried. Islam has grown into a living principle in my life. I am a better Muslim this year than I was last year. - Joanne Richards

No Free ride
There's no free ride in Islam. Everyone is responsible for his actions. Islam has the answer to racism, feminism, abortion, high murder rates and drug selling. It shows human beings how to live their lives right. - Shaheed (Damian Williams)

Jesus in Islam
In Islam I found the real Jesus. As a leader of believers, and a prophet to love as an example. It was Islam that made me love him. - Abdul Azim (Greogor Shepard)

No Hocus-Pocus
In the Qur'an, there is no hocus-pocus, no spookism, no mysticism, just plain, simple understanding 'Truth'. When I heard the call for prayer, I felt a closeness to god that penetrated my heart and soul. - Abdussalam Sipes (Clinto Sipes)

Nothing to offer
Muslims are the hardest people to convert to another faith because there is nothing to offer them! In Islam, there is a relationship with Allah, forgiveness of sins, salvation and promise of Eternal Life. - Khadijah 'Sue' Watson

Blogger comment:
People seek religion for many reasons the most important is the deep instinct or inborn desire both at spiritual level and intellectual level that there is a creator. That to whom we belong to and we ought to worship. The universe is like an explicit letter from the creator that we see every day, we are just looking for his signature at the end of the letter. We look at religions and we examine them to find this signature. The Quran is typically like the universe and is well signed by God, in many verses he declare emphatically that he is the speaker in this book and the creator of this universe. His signature is very clear and well stated. The logic and mind we use in the daily science is the same that we use to study the Quran and even find some of our science in the Quran. Though the Quran talks about wars and destruction, unfortunately it is our history. We made it and God told us we did and we will do. Eternal peace is very possible but we have to follow him sincerely. Do you think the corrupt and connected in the world will do that. That is why we think as God in the Quran told us that there is other force (Satan and his offspring) that want to have the upper hand in our affairs and lead us to destruction. See how many years and many lives we lost to topple few tyrants that could go down in few days if not for a lot of corruption of people around them and how they built strong structure to maintain their powers. Inner peace we will live it in the Quran but eternal peace will be in heaven. The one thousand years of peace mentioned in the old and new testament supposed to happen when we go back to God and the Messiah (Jesus, son of David) was promised to descend to the earth to usher this era after the tribulation period to finish. God is not the creator of the tribulation but our sins and bad actions.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sura 57 in Quran: The Iron


Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, and He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.
His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.
He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing.
He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then Istawa (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.
His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allah return all the matters (for decision).
He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.
Believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend (in Allahs Way), theirs will be a great reward.
And what is the matter with you that you believe not in Allah! While the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) invites you to believe in your Lord (Allah), and He (Allah) has indeed taken your covenant, if you are real believers.
It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad SAW) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.
And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the Cause of Allah? And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the conquering (of Makkah) (with those among you who did so later). Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to all, Allah has promised the best (reward). And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan, then (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit (in repaying), and he will have (besides) a good reward (i.e. Paradise).
On the Day you shall see the believing men and the believing women their light running forward before them and by their right hands. Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever! Truly, this is the great success!
On the Day when the hypocrites men and women will say to the believers: "Wait for us! Let us get something from your light!" It will be said: "Go back to your rear! Then seek a light!" So a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment."
(The hypocrites) will call the believers: "Were we not with you?" The believers will reply: "Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith); and you were deceived by false desires, till the Command of Allah came to pass. And the chief deceiver (Satan) deceived you in respect of Allah."
So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism). Your abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is that destination.
Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) to be affected by Allahs Reminder (this Quran), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture (the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)) before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed We have made clear the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to you, if you but understand.
Verily, those who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat and alms, etc.), men and women, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honourable good reward (i.e. Paradise).
And those who believe in (the Oneness of) Allah and His Messengers, they are the Siddiqoon (i.e. those followers of the Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them), and the martyrs with their Lord, they shall have their reward and their light. But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and deny Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), they shall be the dwellers of the blazing Fire.
Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.
Race one with another in hastening towards Forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and towards Paradise, the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.
No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.
In order that you may not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.
Those who are misers and enjoin upon people miserliness (Allah is not in need of their charity). And whosoever turns away (from Faith Allahs Monotheism), then Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.
Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion), and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.
And indeed, We sent Nooh (Noah) and Ibraheem (Abraham), and placed in their offspring Prophethood and Scripture, and among them there is he who is guided, but many of them are Fasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
Then, We sent after them, Our Messengers, and We sent Iesa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), and gave him the Injeel (Gospel). And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him, compassion and mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them, but (they sought it) only to please Allah therewith, but that they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are Fasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
O you who believe (in Moosa (Moses) (i.e. Jews) and Iesa (Jesus) (i.e. Christians))! Fear Allah, and believe too in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), He will give you a double portion of His Mercy, and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight), and He will forgive you. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
So that the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) may know that they have no power whatsoever over the Grace of Allah, and that (His) Grace is (entirely) in His Hand to bestow it on whomsoever He wills. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.