Friday, March 30, 2012

To the Asshole Tantweey: Nothing you say or do for Syria

By: Maged Taman

The asshole Tantweey who stole our revolution after was contacted from America when appeared that Mubarak about to fall did nothing to Egypt or Islam. He convinced the generals who worked with him and have been chosen in the time of Mubarak to take over the revolution. They try to fit the best benfits for them before a new presidnet is elected. It is all about money and power. You did not hear anything from Tantweey who I am very doubtful to be Muslim or at most Muslim hypocrite regarding Syria. Any Muslim would feel bad for the Syrians who went in a peaceful demonstartions and told their oppressor to give them their freedom and he met them with savage killing. America co did not lead and did not let us lead. Jihadists a lot of moderates will join you if to forget about America and bring down our tyrants. Killing any tyrant stand in your way is an honour including Tantweey and particularly so the king of Saudi. the prime enemy of Al mahdi.

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer

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