Saturday, March 01, 2008

40 Guiding Principals of Islam

By Kassim Ahmad.

The following list compiled by brothar Kassim is neither exhaustive nor are they necessarily arranged in order of importance. However, the list might be useful to provide a quick information about the nature of islam, that is, surrendering God in peace and for peace.
We have summarized the teachings of the Holy Quran into 40 principles, arranging them, to the best of our knowledge, in an order of priority given in the Quran. We hope that Muslims can easily order their lives in that pattern and attain success. The numbers in parenthesis refer to some of the Quranic verses stating each principle.

1-Believe in God and live righteously. (2:62, 112)
2-Worship God alone and do not associate Him with anyone or anything else. (17:22-23)
3-Do not fear mankind, but fear God. (5:44; 33:37, 39)
4-Respect and honor your parents. (17:23-24)
5-Enjoin good and forbid evil. (3:104)
6-Fight in the cause of justice and truth with your wealth and your lives. (4:75; 9:111)
7-Act justly, do not commit evil and rule according to God’s laws, i.e. justice, truth and mercy. (4:58, 135; 5:8; 7:28-29; 5:44)
8-Perform prayers and other rites of worship, without quarrelling over methodology, and pay the poor-rate.
(98:5; 22:67)
9-Obey just leaders, respect, honor and support them, but do not idolize them. (4:59; 33:56; 9:30-31)
10-Be an active, dynamic, creative and courageous person. (2:30-34; 4:75-77; 15:28-30)
11-Do not be egoistic and proud. (25:43; 17:37)
12-Treat everyone with civility and give greetings to all. (2:83; 28:55; 43:89; 4:86)
13-Hold firmly to principles, but be flexible in methods. (2:67-71, 142; 3:103; 5:54; 22:67)
14-Put moral considerations uppermost, but do not disregard your due material interests. (28:77)
15-Save lives and do not kill except in the cause of justice. (17:33)
16-Do not kill for fear of poverty. (17:31)
17-Do not practice usury, but practice charity. (2:275-80)
18-Be honest and fair in financial and economic dealings. (6:152)
19-Practice consultations to solve problems. (42:36)
20-Do not accept unverified information. (17:36)
21-Listen to all views and follow the best. (39:18)
22-Read in order to know, but read critically. (96:1-5)
23-Unite and do not divide. (3:103; 6:159; 61:4)
24-Fulfill promises. (17:34)
25-Do not practice bribery and corruption. (2:188)
26-Do not devour the properties of orphans. (17:34)
27-Do not be extravagant and wasteful, or stingy. (17:26-29)
28-Give charities to relatives, the poor and destitute and towards public welfare. (9:60; 17:26)
29-Do not aggress, but defend yourself against aggression. (7:33; 42:39)
30-Believers are brothers and make peace between believers. Avoid suspicion, spying and backbiting among believers. (49:9-10,12)
31-Persevere in any good effort and do not fear to face difficulties and hardships.
Success comes only after hardships. (2:45, 177; 94:5-8)
32-Use intelligence, reason and historical precedents to understand and carry out God’s commands.
(7:179; 8:22; 10:100; 12:111; 3:137)
33-Speak the truth. Do not lie, although stratagem is allowed against adversaries.
(8:7-8; 25:72; 33:70; 12:70-81)
34-Enter into marriage with believers, do not marry disbelievers, and do not commit adultery.
(5:5; 30:21; 17:32)
35-Cooperate and help each other in good works; do not cooperate in evil works. (5:2)
36-Eat and drink moderately, and avoid intoxicants and gambling. (7:31; 2:219)
37-Dress decently. (24:30-31)
38-Be kind and forgiving. (42:40,43)
39-Do not ridicule or mock one another. (49:11)
40-Do not ask about small and inconsequential details. (2:67-71; 5:101-102; 22:67)

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