Thursday, August 09, 2007

The True God is Allah, And Man is in Need of Him.


I testify that there is no true god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s true slave and Messenger.
The term worship in Islam translates to a code of life, because worship means everything which Allah loves from actions and (or) sayings that are apparent and (or) hidden.
Many are those who do not believe in Allah as the Only True God. Many as well believe that there is a Creator. However, they are in state of confusion as to who is this Creator. In this article a presentation is aimed to direct to the conclusion that Allah is the true "God", the Creator, and that man is in need of Him.
The Creator must be the creator of everything, the heavens, the earth an all that is in between them, mankind and all that exists. It is anticipated that anyone who says “I believe in the Creator,” that he believes in this. It also entails that he should necessarily believe that the Creator possesses Perfect Attributes. He is Perfect in His attributes, in Himself, in His Names, and in His Actions. This is a natural flow, otherwise, it is a delusion not a true belief in the "Creator."
"I believe in a Perfect Creator," should lead to another obvious admission: if you believe that the Creator is Perfect then He is Perfectly Wise in all of His Actions. Does He then Create because of a Perfect Wisdom, or aimlessly? This is the important linkage. Does He Create for a need? Or He Creates based upon Wisdom? It is anticipated that to be in harmony with having belief in the Creator, that His Wisdom is necessarily is linked to His Knowledge, His Will and to all of His Attributes. The question, therefore, would you think the One who creates does so for a purpose or He creates to leave the creation aimless? The person who believes the Creator is Perfect, would agree that His creating is not aimless. If so, then Who else other than Allah has stated this? And you know where? It is in His Final Revelation to man. Contemplate what He has said:
"Did you think that We have created you in play without any purpose and that you will not be brought back to us, so exalted be Allah the true king none has the right to be worshipped but He, the Lord of the Supreme Throne” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 23, Verses 115-116.
Does man think that he will be left aimless (without purpose)? The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 75, Verse 36.
So Allah is the One whom you believe to be "the Creator." He chose this title for Himself and He stated that He is the Only Creator, and that He Creates with Wisdom:
Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things, there is no god but He: Then how ye are deluded away from the Truth! The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 40, Verse 62.
So this creation which Allah creates must have a code organizing its existence and its aims. Hence:
1- Allah creates and His creating is all Wise and for a purpose.
2- Allah did not leave us aimless. He set a code to live accordingly. So He legislates, commands, and prohibits, and justly sets reward and accountability, because He is all- Just.
3- In all aspects of this code, the manifestations of His Names and Attributes become known, contemplated and realized. Being the Creator necessitates creating as well as purpose, guidance and legislations. Whoever ascribes is rewarded, since He is the Most Generous. When one commits a sin, he realizes that his Creator accepts repentance and is oft-Forgiving. So the manifestations of Allah's Names and Attributes become realized on earth and this is beloved to Allah, the Creator.
4- Allah gives man life, physical sustenance, and spiritual guidance through the revelation which
He entrusted His Messengers with. He guides man to know how to benefit from the provisions, what is good for him and what is harmful. He raises in honor those who submitted to Him, and justly puts in humiliation those who disdain and are arrogant. He Forgives and is Merciful; He punishes and rewards in order that man shapes his life with the code that is all beneficial to man and which makes his life on this earth upright. And it cannot be upright unless man ascribes to the guidance sent to him by His creator.
5- If all mankind come to ascribe to his code (i.e. worship) Allah on one heart, then this does not oblige any change in Allah's Essence nor in His Attributes. If all the creation is on one heart, this does not increase in the dominion of Allah anything. That is why He stated:
But Allah is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 47, Verse 38.
6-And that is why He mentioned:
“If you do good, you do good for your own selves” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 17, Verse 7.
"And whoever does righteous good deeds, then such will prepare a good place in paradise for themselves." The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 30, Verse 44.
And as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) related in the authentic hadith that Allah said:
“O My slaves, you will not attain harm in Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefit in Me so as to benefit Me; O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that will not increase My Kingdom in anything; O my slaves, were the first of you and last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that will not decrease My Kingdom in anything; O My slaves, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and I recompense you for. So let him who finds good praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.” [Reported in Saheeh Muslim, No. 6246]
On daily basis the person makes what is known as ritual purity (wudu). In every drop of water used to wash the face, hands, arms, head, and feet, sins fall off. It is therefore a tangible and intangible benefit to man. Listen to what Allah, the Most High, says:
"Allah does not want to place you in difficulty but He wants to purify you and to complete His favour upon you that you may be thankful." The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5, Verse 6.
Also concerning the ritual of offering a sacrificial animal (from the cattle) in the pilgrimage, we read in the Qur'an:
“It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah but it is piety from you that reaches Him." The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22, Verse 37.
In human to human relationship, people do good for each other to attain their own interests, or to be praised. But with Allah, if you do good, you do good for yourself, because this good that you do does not benefit Allah.
In light of the above, we need to contemplate the great purpose for which we have been created. This is clearly stated by Allah:
“And Allah have not created not the jinn and the men except that they should worship me alone." The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51, Verses 56-57.
So they are called for what benefits them. Remember the definition of worship in the beginning of this discussion? They are the ones who, if they comply, will win. And that is why He asserted in the next verse:
“I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51, Verse 57.
Why did Allah mention food and provisions here? It is traditionally known that the greatest need for man is the need for food, clothing and residence. This requires means and provisions, and this is the wealth. That is why Allah began with it: “I seek not any provision from them,” and then He referred to food, because it is the thing most needed by people: “nor do I ask that they should feed Me," because He is all-Rich, free of all want; Self-Sufficient, needs nothing. He related to us in things we relate closely to so as to make this matter vividly clear.
Hence, the creation of man is not to bring a benefit for Allah, but to establish this code of life which links him to his Creator. The Noble objective is to submit and deliver. Otherwise there can be no love of our Creator without submission. And to deliver so as to establish uprightness. But who defines what is good and upright? It is laid down by the one who is All-Knowing and Perfect: Allah. If it is left to us, then your good is an evil to me and vice versa! So, the code of life is set in accordance with what Allah has defined as worship, outwardly, and inwardly. So imagine someone saying he loves Allah and worships others besides Him or to the exclusion of Him! This is neither submission nor compliance. That is why love and magnification of Allah means worshipping none but Him. This is the essence of all the revealed Messages to all the Prophets and Messengers. It is a single Message of Tawheed: singling Allah alone as the true God worthy of worship and disassociating from any kind of worship to other than Him We often hear people say: what is important is "love." In reality, the true love is the love of Allah, our Creator, sustainer, and provider. No one is more beloved to Allah than the one who loves Him and praises Him and complies with His code which He has set for us in this life. Shirk (opposite of Tawheed): associating partners with Allah in worship is the most hated thing to Allah because this diminishes (or may eliminate) the love of Allah. It sets between Allah and man an associate, and that is why Allah does not love it. It takes away from the love of Allah alone and equates Allah, the Perfect, with the imperfect. This is not even acceptable in human relations. So one must not set up any rival to Allah in worship. Allah warned about this, saying:
“And of mankind are some who take for worship others besides Allah as rivals, they love them as they love Allah but those who believe love Allah more than anything else." The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 165.
So the truly beneficial thing to man is to know of His Creator, magnify Him, and love Him so that he gains His love and thus be amongst the happy ones in this life and in the hereafter. However, since man has tendencies towards his own lusts and desires, then this objective cannot be attained except when man follows what is pleasing to His Creator, Allah. The stronger man's love of Allah is, the more he gains of His love and guidance. In practice this needs to be translated into compliance with the code of life set by Allah.
The one who is in need of Allah is the created, because the One who is Self- Sufficient and Perfect is Allah. It is out of His generosity and benevolence that He is rewarding for singling Him alone in worship. And in that, His names and attributes become manifested, and this is beloved to Him. He loves for the person to repent; He loves for the person to return to Him in repentance; He loves forgiving; He loves pardoning; He loves clemency, and He loves justice because He is All-Just. When man realizes the manifestations of Allah’s Names, Attributes and actions in the creation, then he knows the meaning of worship and clings to that. I hope that in this discussion, there is a benefit for the person who says that he believes in the Creator, and that it takes him to the final conclusion of submitting to Allah in Islam.
=============Saleh As-Saleh


Hanan said...
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Maged Taman said...

I agree with you however our ears used well not to repeatation. Even God use to himself the name of Allah in quran, pronouns for himslef and the other names. A totally agree about the use of God instead of Allah when we speak English since it is his name in English. This is the way Christians and Jews talk about God in English. He is the same God of the Bible. Those who want to block us from converting the westerns to Islam want people to preceive Allah as different from God.

Hanan said...
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