Friday, February 08, 2008

The End is a-Comin'

From: On Faith

Pamela K. Taylor

co-founder, Muslims for Progressive Values

Of course the earth isn’t going to last forever. Scientists currently estimate we’ve got about 5 billion years (give or take a couple billion) until the Sun wipes out our planet.
Unfortunately, we won’t be around to see it; other models predict the end of life as we know it at a mere 1 billion years in the future as the earth’s crust cools and creates a world that is not inhabitable by today’s species.
The Qur’an talks sparingly about events at the end of earth. Generally, we see an overthrow of the natural order:
Surah 54:1:The Hour has drawn near and the moon has split.
Surah 99:1. When the Earth is shaken with great convulsions2. And the earth shakes off her burdens.3. And humankind cries out, “What ails her!”
Surah 75:6. They question: "When is the Day of Resurrection?"7. At length – when the Sight is dazed,8. And the moon is buried.9. And the sun and moon are joined together.
All that sounds pretty consistent with the scientific view.
However, other, more significant aspects of the end of times cannot be predicted by science.
The Day of Resurrection is not just a calamitous time for our planet, but for humanity as well. Like the Bible, the Qur’an states that God will reassemble humankind, read out our deeds, and show each of us our fate – heaven or hell.
The Qur’an readily acknowledges that this claim is hard to believe. Countless verses talk about how people are incredulous about the Hour. They deny it. They ridicule the notion. Even though they may say they believe with their tongues, their hearts are not really convinced. Even Prophet Abraham asked for a demonstration of resurrection to calm his heart.
2:260: Behold! Abraham said: "My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead." He said: "Do you not believe?" He said: "Yes, but set my heart at ease." He said: "Take four birds. Tame them to you. Put a piece of each on all the hills around and call to them. They will come to you, (flying) with speed. Then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise."
It has always given me comfort that the Qur’an acknowledges that Judgment Day is hard for humanity to accept. It is, by definition, an article of faith, a matter about which the believer must demonstrate their trust in the honesty of the Messenger, and the truth of the Message.
Even more comforting is God promises to forgive every sin but “shirk” – that is setting up partners to the Divine. Some Muslims understand that as polytheism. Others understand it as worshipping at the shrine of our own egos, directed only by our greed, lusts, and ambitions. This promise of mercy extends explicitly beyond the Muslim community:
2:62: Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians - any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness – shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Even the “sin” of not believing in Muhammad is forgivable.
Even more, one is not required to have great faith. Prophet Muhammad told us, “Whosoever dies having so much as a mustard seed of faith in his heart shall enter Paradise.”
Under these conditions, I find it hard to believe anyone will end up in Hell.
Why then do religions have rules and regulations? To make this world a better place.
One could only wish the fear of Hell and hope for Heaven were a bit more effective in encouraging people to refrain from murder, slander, coveting one’s neighbor’s spouse and belongings, and to participate in good works, caring for the poor, the needy, the orphan, the traveler, and the oppressed.
This failure is one of the reasons I don’t simply teach my kids that we do this or that because God says so, but show them quite clearly how what I ask them to do benefits both them and the world at large.

Blogger Comment:

1- God has promised us the return to heaven.
2- The way to heaven is easy, you do not need to fast every day or never marry or give 1/2 of what you earn to charity.
3- If God mention there is hell we should trust his mercy and forgiveness but to deny there is hell is overreaching.
4- Imagine God is telling people that there is no hell you will find sins and evil astronmically rising.
5- Even for people who did not beleive in God many beleived there is a sort of justice come on us.
6- With the wisdom of creation and all these equations that we found governing the universe, the creator in this universe is thought of and was searched for. He did not forget us he sent us his prophets from time to time and his words through the prophets. If people created religions to find him or false speculations he tells us who he is and what is his guidance in the Bible and Quran.
7- He said in the Quran there is heaven and hell. He had forgiveness of all our sins if we go back to him and even if you die with a lot of sins and do not partner him and you do not repent there is great mercy waiting for you. Though some sort of punishment may fall in you. The rules he made are for our benfits and propsperity in earth. He does not want us live on fear, darkness, corruption and hate. When he described that he has a mellnium of peace for us in earth, he made it clear that we have to earn it by getting righteous all of us.
8- War in Islam is not the norm but the ultimate exeption. Peace and spreading morality of Islam and finding a just and peaceful coexistance are the role.
9- The end day is true, the resurrection is true and the day of judgement is true. I belive heaven and hell are true. The work is not that hard to get the first and avoid the second. People suspicion of God existance and these truths are part of faith. He expect them to turn back quickly to belive in him. For me the simple evidence if there is no one proved to me that the elephant was an ant so I have to beleive that God has created both. If he cannot unequivocally prove to me the Quran is not from God I belive that God words are the Quran. It is all logic and 1 + 1 = 2.

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