Monday, October 08, 2007

The Wisdom of Having The Quran In Stages.

The wisdom of having the Quran in stages are the following:

1- Miracle: Since it was the main miracle of Muhammad (PBUH) unlike Moses (PBUH) who had visual miracles his miracle or the Quran has to be continuous, tested and approved all time. If Muhammad was to bring the Quran one book, people at his time would think he made it and reviewed over and over then thought he was able to declare it. On the contrary from the first verse he received from the angel Gabriel he declare it to his wife and as verses came to him he declared them to the people around him. People would be able to know if he is making the Quran by observing him thinking, writing or correcting verses before he would tell the verses. He was illiterate for God wisdom to remove any doubts from people minds.

2- Dynamic: The Quran is a dynamic book though it talks to me and you after over 1400 years in many times the verses were having certain occasions. However it transcends through the human history. So it serves to answer Muslims at that time and through them it answers us today.

3- Suspense: It would be more helpful for students to have a book or a novel red to them by their teacher one chapter at a time. Giving them a book to read it is not as exciting as having it comes in chapters or part of chapters and they all do not know what coming next and when the novel or book will end.

4- Memorization: Having also the quran descent as verses or chapters rather than one book give time to people to recite and memorize the new verses.

5- Muslims need: When the prophet has the connection with heaven through angel or visions Muslims would have the answer quickly to their inquiries. We do not have this privilege today but we have to go back to Quran or hadith to find the answer. If we can not find it we go to the Muslim scholars to give us the answer or the Fatwa. For the time the prophet was alive it was necessary to have the Quran comes as verses many times in need or as we call it in medicine PRN to answer Muslims and keep the coming generations informed.

6- Graduation: For God to change the Arab behaviour he got them in the first verses particularly the chapters of Quran in Mekka to have belief in him, his existence, his names and how to build their spirits. Then as they became a community he gave them the morals ethics and lastly the laws to live by. Before God prohibited them from drinking alcohol he explained to them it has benefits and harms and the latter exceeds the first. Then he prohibited them from drinking before praying then he prohibited alcohol all together.

7- Connection: As Muslims were getting verses of the Quran every few days or weeks they had this continuous connection with God. This is particularly needed for the first followers of the religion since they are usually the most to suffer and they are the ones to carry the message to the coming generations.

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