Monday, February 27, 2006

Freedom From All Oppression.

Oppression is the worst abuse humans can suffer. For a lot of people death can be preferred over oppression. There are a lot of faces for oppression:
1- Occupation.
2- Tyrant political regimes.
3- The tyranny of bureaucratic governments that make laws without considering peoples opinions.
3- Oppression against women.
4- Oppression against minorities.
5- Discrimination (oppression or passive neglect) with all its forms: race, color, gender, sexuality...
6- Oppression by Poverty and feel of deprivation.
7- Oppression by Sins.
8- Oppression by fear of self security, loss of possessions: second to tyranny, high crime rates, absence of health and long term security, sins...
9- Oppression by families and foster homes: physical and sexual abuse,
10-oppression by Debts.
11- Religious oppression to people with different faith or no faith.
As you see to liberate the human mind and spirit there are a lot of things that need to be done. The UN and world leaders both political and religious have to work it out to liberate the human soul and mind. This can be done with a lot of politics and not wars. There is no absolute evil and good. Many times people against us are not our enemies but the other side. If every one is to be fair and put his foot on other person shoe we will have a lot of understanding and we can change the world. People who follow prophecies think the world will change only through the tribulation that God will inflict on humans. I do not know, I keep reading prophecies, meanwhile we have to use the sound politics and judgment to change the world. Prophecies ultimately reflects our judgments and actions.

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