Wednesday, July 24, 2013



1. The Jews have emasculated our nation by destroying our pride in America’s Christian history. Without a commonly held memory a nation ceases to exist as a cohesive unit.
2. The Jews have labeled America’s Christian Founding Fathers as “racists” and “white slavers” while at the same time suppressing the fact that Jews financed and participated in the Black slave trade.
3. The Jews have promoted multiculturalism, celebrating every culture — no matter how backward and barbaric — except for Western white European culture. As Jewish feminist Susan Sontag, (originally named Susan Rosenblatt), stated: “The white race is the cancer of humanity.” But Susan Rosenblatt Sontag’s own cancerous contagion is her lesbian perversity with photographer Annie Leibovitz and Nicole Stephane Rothschild, the banking heiress turned movie actress.
4. The Jews have driven our Christian heritage from the public square through the efforts of the Jewish Lobby Groups, the ADL and the ACLU. American children will grow up in a society wiped clean of any vestiges of the Bible, Christ or the Cross. However, the Menorah is still allowed in public displays and in the White House for Hannukah celebrations.
5. The Jews have torn our borders open, permitting, indeed cheering, the Third World immigrants who will soon replace the white Christian American majority. The Jacob Javitzes and the Lautenbergs have designed legislation that will genocide us. They have done all this while simultaneously supporting Israel’s “Jews-only” immigration policy.
6. The Jews have pushed, created and profited from pornography and perverse entertainment. The “chosen people” make up 90% of all American pornographers. The Hollywood they run has mainstreamed wife-swapping, common law marriages, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, pedophilia, drug and alcohol abuse and self-indulgence. Bestiality will be next on the list for these society-corrupting Jews.7. The Jews have brought homosexuality out of the closet and into our faces through numerous “rights” legislations. Sodomy is shown in their Jewish controlled media and movies as normal, healthy, enjoyable and something to celebrate openly in as brazen a fashion as possible. Six year old children in our Public Schools are shown videos promoting anal sex between males. The Jews have founded, funded and fronted every homosexual advocacy group in America.
8. The Jews have brainwashed American children in other areas besides sexual depravity. With their control of the Public Educational System and Collegiate level academia, they have filled the minds of the young with Marxism, Deconstructionism, relativism, anti-White hatred, and lies about “diversity” and non-judgmentalism. These sundry isms are the pernicious lies that have jettisoned the positive isms that once bloomed in our society: absolutism, patriotism, altruism, individualism, nationalism, etc.
9. The Jews have subverted our government. With Zionist control of the media, both print and television, the two major political parties have been steered away from the interests of the European-American majority, rendering us incapable of self-preservation. The war in Iraq, the 9/11 attacks and a possible clash with Iran in the near future, are all results of the Zionist subjugation of the most powerful nation on earth, and the prioritizing of Israel’s concerns over those of the United States.
10. The Jews have brought radical feminism to American women and girls. Thanks to the steady diet of anti-male, anti-marriage and anti-family books, lectures and college courses from the likes of the Gloria Steinems, the Betty Friedans, and the Susan Sontags, many women now see the prospect of marriage and child-rearing as an impediment to their liberation.
11. The Jews have made abortion into a sacrament. Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is run from top to bottom by Jews. Unregulated abortion on demand is touted in the Jewish controlled Media as a positive social good for the United States. With a large percentage of abortion doctors being Jewish, the Jews have definitely made a killing out of killing.
12. The Jews have sold us the packaged lies of egalitarianism. All are equal in intelligence, morality, accomplishments — except of course, for one group. The Jewish “race” as their own leaders refer to their people, is covertly declared as being uniquely moral and wise. The Jews truly believe they have a God-given right to rule over us. To criticize their pernicious power is the most egregious societal taboo resulting in being blackballed as being, “Anti-Semitic!”
Everything on this list can be easily verified. Jews, mostly Zionists, have spearheaded every movement that now threatens our destruction. Jews have extended their tentacles into all facets of our country squeezing every vestige of wholesome life out of America.
Along with Jewish expansionism comes the debauching of all peoples, all heritages, and all traditions, except for their Judaism and Hanukah Menorahs now erected during our Christmas on the White House Lawn. But no Nativity Scenes will the Jews allow! They are hypocrites! The Jews cry out “separation of church & state” don’t they? Except when it comes to their wretched Anti Christ menorahs!What can we do to stop the Jews? Will we fear and quake before the buzzword of “anti-Semite” or will we stand and battle for the survival of Christian civilization? It’s up to all of us to wage war against the Jews, especially we Christians, for America will either be a Christian America or a Jewish America. There is no in between!NTS Notes: I fully agree with Nathaniel Kapner's findings, and anyone can simply take a look around themselves and see their effects on their own lives.These issues have not only affected the people in the United States, but are very prevalent in Canada and most European nations as well.Is there hope for America? If the American people finally wake up and know the truth about who is behind the destruction of their nation, then these parasites can be exposed, rooted out, and taken out of our lives. The sooner the better.As a side note, and as in previous articles, I dare any of the naysayers to come forward and accuse me of the totally BS and false term: "Anti-Semitism". I dare them to prove that these people are even Semitic, because we know for a fact by now that the vast majority of these criminals are NOT Semites, but Indo-Turkish Khazars that originated from the central steppe area of Russia, and who converted to Talmudic Judaism back in the 8th century AD. Therefore, they have absolutely NO Semitic blood in them at all.More to comeNTS

Blogger comment:
To the evil Jews God curse them, no fear from you. Every time you will try to harase me and push for lawsuits against me I will get after you. In the Quran God cursed you because you deserve it. Jesus (PBUH) you tried to kill him and oppressed him from the first minute he declared his message to you. I actually wanted to try to be friendly with you but you went after me for What I say to be just. I still keep the good Jews my friends for the bad Jews you declared war on me and I will get you. You oppressed Arab and Muslims for decades. You tried to keep Mubarak in power to the last minute despite he was corrupt and oppressive leadere. This tell you what people really you are.

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