Thursday, April 22, 2010

When God Put People under the Microscpoe

By: Maged Taman

When wickedness spread in the earth and when the tyrants role and the law is twisted for the strong. When honesty is shame and kindness is stupidity. Virginity is a joke and vulgarity is the role. When the Chlamydia girl take over the virgin Mary in the streets. When alcoholism and gambling are sports. When deals made between the rich and politicians in the beds. When torturing is patriotism and standing for the rotten empire is holy. When corrupt politicians wage wars with the blessing of the religious Establishment. When prophecies are twisted When seeking the truth is not true. When arrogance and pride not to read the Quran and examine it honestly or betray the Quran for material things. When all of these prevail and more expect God wrath. When the punishment is delayed people would confuse God Mercy with his incompetence.

When Noah comes and people ignore him or hid their faces from him. When Moses is looked as Pharaoh and Pharaoh as Moses expect more. When the Roman empire grow in pride and arrogance. When they spy in every call and scare people close to you and make your lawyer betray you. When kind actions is used against you. When freedom fighters are terrorists and terrorists nations and tyrants are law keepers look in the sky and wait. When you friend fear to talk to you. When the empire put under the microscope. When people nag you and scold you to stop standing for the truth. When the media close its doors and tyrants want you to surrender. When they cut you off from media and people around you feel you are right but fear to support you publicly.

When the world tyrants, their intelligent systems watch you and to see you drop of heart attack or some one kill you. When the Arab tyrants gladly watch as you are under the surveillance of the powerful and can not touch them or liberate your people. When all his happen know you are standing to the truth.

So what, we know you are right do you think you will really change the world. People before you tried and failed. Why you do not just close your web and go home. Because it is a prophecy. When God will tell prophecies to prophets thousands of year before and you look like you are reading the prophecy as it is unveiled that make you think that God will stand with you. Do not ever think that Satan will give up quickly and leave his kingdom to you.

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