Thursday, May 17, 2012

The families of the great American Soldiers who were killed in Iraq or the great soldiers who were injured have the right to sue

By: Maged Taman

We all know now and for years that the deceptive George Bush went to Iraq for weapon of mass deception for the interest of the Saudi billioner king and the oil companies. You have the right and obligation to yourself as well to your families to sue George Bush and his aids, the billioner king of Saudi and the oil companies. Choose your lawyers and go ahead with the law suits. Patriotism and freedom were deceptive words that George Bush used to advance his interests and that of his friends. Saddam was not a threat to you and very likely would have died or assassinated in few years without having all the brave American troops suffering their losses and injuries. Still the Americans and the world look with respect to the American soldiers in general and they have the right to claim their rights to have true information from their leader before he take them to a crazy war in Iraq. Interestingly the ambassador of Saudi in America saw the war plan to Iraq before Colin Powell the Secretary of the state.

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