Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The conspiracy between America and Saudi to block any Khalafa

By: Maged Taman

The Saudi tyrant king and his family has very good relation with America and Israel. The lawless George Bush was standing very firm against any project for Khalafa. He was using the war on terror and his propaganda for freedom to prevent any ambition for Khalfa. Of course Khalafa would be moderate not like he pretend will be violent. He was known to be a violent guy since his days of Alcohol and cocaine. Thus the criminal George Bush was standing strongly and openly to any Khalafa was standing against God. The interest of the Saudi tyrant and his family is against any Khlalafa and in fact they imprison anyone standing for that. The criminal George Bush and after him Obama (they allege he may be Muslims to deceive us) are basically standing against Islam. They will tell you Muslims and Islam are good so they win a lot of Muslims in their side while attacking Islam and preventing any Khalfa. Does not that look familiar with the wicked methods of Jews. Time for Muslims to stand with Khalafa it is either Islam the religion of God or the corrupt and oppressive empire of America. God promised us victory in the end of the time and we know his promise is true.

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